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ryland: uh what are those addison? *laughs*
*end of recap*

my cheeks turn red and i sink down in my seat, i pull my hoodie over my head. chase rolls his eyes and nick laughs.
nick: that's why you guys didn't want to share a hotel room with us last night. *laughs*
ryland: ooo you guys got freaky last night. *laughs*

my cheeks turn more red and i look at chase, he looks at me with an annoyed face. he rolls his eyes again.
chase: shut up. you guys are just mad because you can never get some.
nick: that's not true. that girl last week-
chase: you paid her. you got drunk and admitted to paying her.
ryland: i could get addison to hop on this dick any day.

my mouth drops and chase looks back at ryland, nick starts laughing.
nick: oh shit. *laughs*
chase: are you fucking kidding me right now ryland? why would you say that? dude that's not cool at all. that's my girlfriend.
nick: he's gonna come back here and round house your ass. *laughs*
ryland: shut the fuck up nick.
chase: keep your fucking mouth shut about addison.

ryland rolls his eyes and chase turns back around, chase buckles in and pulls away from the gas station. i open the plan b box and grab a pill out of it, i put it in my mouth and grab my water. i open my water and take a drink of it, i swallow the pill. i put the cap back on the water bottle and set it down, i put the pills back in the box.
chase: you can just set those in the glove box.
addison: okay.

i open the glovebox and put the plan b in it, i shut the glove box and yawn. 2 days have gone by and we just pulled up to chase's parents' house.
chase: we will start packing things tomorrow then we can pack the rest over the next two days and we can get the uhaul the day we leave and make sure to be quiet when we go in. my parents are sleeping.
nick: okay.

we get out of the car and we all stretch, we grab our things and walk inside. me and chase walk to his room and set our suitcases against the wall while nick and ryland go to the 2 guest rooms, chase shuts his door and i walk over to him. i hug him and he hugs me back.
addison: i love you.
chase: i love you more.

i smile against his chest and he picks me up, i wrap my legs around his waist and he walks over to his bed. he lays us down on it, i unwrap my legs from around his waist. we roll onto our sides so we're facing each other, i smile more along with him. he kisses me and i kiss him back, i put my hands on each side of his waist and pull him closer to me. he deepens the kiss and i pull him over me, he puts one arm on each side of me. he holds himself up on his forearms, he pulls away and rests his forehead against mine.
chase: what are you planning? *laughs*

i let out a small laugh and shrug my shoulders, i kiss him and he kisses back. i grab his shirt and start pulling it up, he slides it off of his arms and i take it off of him, i throw it on the floor. he quickly follows behind and takes my shirt off too.
chase: we really need to get some condoms. *laughs*
addison: *laughs* i know.

chase slides my shorts down my legs, he reaches his hands behind my back and unclasps my bra. he takes it off of me and throws it on his floor, i reach my hand in his boxers and start pumping my hand up and down on his length. he throws his head forward and lets out a hot breath against my neck, he pulls his blanket over us.
chase: wait, s-stop for a minute.

i move my hand away from him and he pulls my underwear down along with his boxers.
chase: we have to be quiet. you're gonna have to try to keep your moans in.

i nod my head and he lines up with me, he pushes into me and i instantly let out a moan. he covers my mouth with his hand.
chase: shhh.

chase moves his hand away from my mouth.
addison: sorry.

he leans down and starts kissing me again, i kiss him back and i wrap my arms around his back. he starts thrusting faster, i start scratching his back a bit. his bed starts rocking back and forth, i tilt my head back pulling away from the kiss. i let out a moan along with chase.
chase: we need to be q-quiet.

i bite his shoulder to keep from moaning, a couple of minutes go by i feel a knot form in the bit of my stomach.
addison: ch-chase i-
chase: i know. me t-too.

i arch my back and press my stomach to chase's stomach, i tilt my head back and go to let out a moan. chase grabs my neck and pulls head back down, he kisses me and i moan into his mouth. i kiss him back and let go along with him, i lay back down on the bed. chase moves his hand and pulls out, he pulls away from the kiss and collapses on top of me. he lays his head in the crook of my neck and i start playing with his hair.
addison: you don't think anyone heard us, right?
chase: no i don't think so.
addison: are you sure? your bed was rocking back and forth and we accidentally let out a couple of moans.
chase: addi i don't think anyone heard us.
addison: do you promise?
chase: *laughs* yes i promise. 

word count - 1,011

pregnant by chase hudsonWhere stories live. Discover now