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chase: okay.
*end of recap*

he starts to slowly move, he leans his head down and kisses me. i kiss him back, he moves his head down to my neck and starts leaving more hickeys. i tangle my fingers in his hair and he starts to pick up his pace, i let out a moan. i feel him smile against my neck, he brings his face back up to mine. i pull him closer and kiss him, he kisses me back. he lets out a moan along with me.
chase: *moans* sh-should i go slower?
addison: no. *moans*
chase: do you want me to go f-faster? *moans*

i nod my head and he picks up his pace, i let out another moan. a couple of minutes go by and i start to feel a knot in the pit of my stomach.
addison: *moans* chase i-i-
chase: me too. *moans*

i arch my back and close my eyes, i tilt my head back and let go. i let out a moan along with chase, he collapses on top of me. i open my eyes and we start catching our breath, chase pulls out and lays his head in the crook of my neck. a few minutes go by and chase leans his forehead against mine.
chase: i love you.
addison: i love you too.

he kisses me and i kiss back, he pulls away a few seconds later. he gets off of me and gets off of the bed, he grabs his underwear and throws them on. he grabs his shirt and my underwear, he hands them to me and i start putting them on. he lays back down next to me, i lay back down and he wraps his arms around me so we're spooning. he pulls the blankets more over, we fall asleep a couple of minutes later. i wake up the next morning to chase shaking me a bit, i open my eyes and look at him.
chase: hey we gotta get going. ryland and nick are already ready. 
addison: *yawns* okay.

i sit up and rub my eyes, i stand up and get off of the bed. i walk i've to my bag and grab a change of clothes.
chase: you can wear my shirt for the day if you want too. it looks cute on you.

i turn around and smile, i walk over to chase and hug him. he wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me back, he leans down and kisses me. i kiss him back, he pulls away a second later.
chase: you know what else would look cute on you?
addison: what?
chase: my last name.

i blush and smile more, i kiss him and he kisses back. he bites my lip and i drop my clothes that were in my hand, he backs us up to the bed and i fall on top of him. he sits up so i'm straddling his thighs, he moves his hands down to my butt. he squeezes my butt and i jolt forward a bit, i let out a moan and i lean my head down to his neck. i start kissing his neck and leaving hickeys behind, he slips his hands up and underneath his shirt that i'm wearing. i bring my face back up to his and start kissing him again, he caresses my breasts with his hands. he kisses back again and i move my hands down to his waist, i grab his belt and start unbuckling it. his phone starts ringing, he takes his hands away from me and grabs his phone off of the nightstand. he sets it down and pulls away a second later, he leans his forehead against mine and i move my hands.
chase: you should probably go get ready now.

he smiles and i smile back at him.
addison: okay.

i get off of him and he stands up, i grab my clothes from off of the floor and walk into the bathroom. i shut the door behind me and start changing, when i finish getting ready i walk out of the bathroom. i put my dirty clothes in my bag and zip it up, i slip my shoes on and grab my phone. i grab my bag and chase grabs his, we walk out of the hotel room and across the hall to ryland and nicks room. chase knocks on the door and they open a second later.
ryland: i see that you guys are finally ready. *laughs*
chase: *laughs* shut up.

me and chase walk down the hall with them following us, we walk outside and put our stuff in the back of chases car.
nick: i call dibs on front.
chase: addi gets front seat.
ryland: the whole way there?
chase: yeah.
addison: chase i don't mind sitting in the back and letting someone else sit in the front.
chase: no you get front seat the whole way so i can be closer to you.
ryland: that's so cheesy chase.

chase rolls his eyes and ryland and nick laugh, we get in the car and chase pulls out of the hotel parking spot. he starts driving.
chase: we have to stop at a gas station really quick.
nick: okay.

when we get to the gas station chase pulls up to a pump, he gets out and fills his car up with gas. he opens his door.
chase: i'm going inside to get some snacks. does anyone want anything?
addison: i'm good.
chase: okay. ryland? nick?
nick: i'm fine.
ryland: me too.
chase: okay.

he shuts his door and walks into the gas station, he comes back out a couple of minutes later with a bag of stuff. he gets in the drivers seat and shuts his door behind him, he pulls 4 waters and 4 coffees out of the bag. he hands 2 waters and 2 coffees to the back for nick and ryland, he hands me a water and a coffee and he sets his in the cup holders.
addison: thank you.
chase: you're welcome.

chase looks in his rear view mirror and looks back down, he pulls a small box out of the bag and i see that it's the plan b pills. he hands me then and i grab them.
ryland: uh what are those addison? *laughs*

word count - 1,066

pregnant by chase hudsonWhere stories live. Discover now