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-sorry I posted this 4 days late:)


i open my bedroom door and shove chase into my room, i walk into my room right behind him. i shut and lock my door.
*end of recap*

footsteps start coming up the stairs, a second later my door handle starts shaking.
sam: open your door.
addison: go away you guys.
corey: no. who is that? *laughs*
jake: stop laughing corey. we have to take this seriously. *laughs*
sam: you guys stop. addison who is that?
addison: it's no one.
jake: uh clearly it's someone. if you don't tell us i'm calling colby.
addison: don't call colby.
corey: if you come out of your room and talk to us about who this is then we won't call colby.
addison: i'm not coming out of my room. go away.
jake: then i'm calling colby.
addison: fine. whatever. call him. he won't believe you guys anyways.
jake: yes he will. we're giving you one more chance.
sam: come out or we're calling colby.
addison: no.

a few couple of later i hear a ringtone going off and it's on speaker, someone answers the phone a second later.
colby: hey.
jake: hey i just wanted to tell you something.
colby: alright. what?

i sigh and unlock my door, i open my door and cross my arms. i look at jake and he looks back at me.
jake: i just wanted to say that you're a poopy pants. *laughs*
colby: *laughs* okay. bye.
jake: bye. *laughs*

jake hangs up his phone and puts it in his pocket.
jake: you guys need to come downstairs and talk to us and explain what the hell is going on here.
addison: fine but you guys can't tell colby about this at all.

sam nods his head and they start walking down the stairs, me and chase walk out of my room and follow them down the stairs and to the living room. we all sit on the L shaped couch.
jake: so uhm who are you?
chase: i'm chase.
corey: are you like her friend? her boyfriend?

me and chase look at each other then look back at sam, corey, and jake.
addison: just tell them the truth.
chase: okay. i'm her boyfriend.
sam: since when?
chase: since yesterday.
corey: explain.
addison: a couple of months ago i got a notification that he followed me on instagram and so i followed him back then i got a notification that he messaged me so i messaged him back and we started talking and-

the front door opens and my face goes pale.
addison: oh no.

the door shuts and there's footsteps walking towards the living room, anthony walks into the living room.
anthony: hey-
addison: oh my god you scared me. i thought you were colby.
anthony: oh shit. they found out?
addison: yes.

anthony laughs.
addison: shut up anthony.

he rolls his eyes and walks over to me and chase, he sits down besides me.
sam: wait a minute. anthony knew about this?
addison: yeah.
sam: anthony why didn't you say anything?
anthony: because it wasn't my place to say anything. it was her business. not mine.
addison: anyways as i was saying anthony encouraged me to invite chase to come to l.a-
jake: you guys have never met before?
chase: no.
addison: so anyways chase came down here last week and he leaves tomorrow and when i've been saying i'm going to anthony's i have actually been going to hangout with chase and yesterday we started dating.
corey: how long were you guys talking for before he came here?
addison: about four or five months. we talked or facetimes everyday.
corey: where do you live chase?
chase: i live in north carolina.
corey: oh.
sam: is he who you were talking to that one night when tara screamed downstairs and scared the living crap out of you?
addison: yeah. you guys please don't tell colby?
jake: he should probably know though addison.
addison: no.
jake: colby needs to know that you have a boyfriend and everything. he doesn't know a single thing about this and he should. he has legal custody of you for a while.
addison: i know. just don't tell him. i'll tell him soon. i should be the one to tell him. i just don't want him to know yet.
jake: fine. we won't tell him but you need to tell him soon.
addison: i know. we are gonna go back to his hotel to swim.
corey: are you guys sure that that's what you guys are doing?
addison: oh my god corey. all we're going to do is swim.
corey: okay.

i roll my eyes and we all stand up off of the couch, me, chase and anthony walk upstairs to my room.
anthony: what time do you have to be at the airport tomorrow?
chase: my flight leaves at ten a.m so i probably have to be there around nine a.m.
anthony: okay. i'll drive addi to the airport in the morning.
chase: okay.
anthony: bye.
addison: bye.

anthony walks out of my room and walks downstairs and outside, chase walks over and sits on my bed. i walk over to my dresser and open the 2nd drawer, i grab a swimsuit out of the drawer. i shut the drawer and turn around, chase stands up from my bed and smiles at me. i smile back at him.
addison: we should probably get going before colby gets back. *laughs*
chase: *laughs* okay.

we walk out of my room shutting the door behind us, we walk downstairs to the front door.
sam: don't do anything stupid addi.
addison: i won't.

i roll my eyes.
jake: like sex.

my cheeks flush red from embarrassment.
addison: shut up you guys.

i open the front door and me and chase walk outside, we walk over to his rental car. chase unlocks it and we get in, we buckle in and he starts the car. he pulls out of the driveway and starts driving back to the hotel, he puts on some music and we start singing along to the songs.

word count ~ 1,026

pregnant by chase hudsonWhere stories live. Discover now