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i nod my head and colby picks up a few rings later.
*end of recap*

colby: chase it's two a.m. what do you-
chase: we're heading to the hospital. addison's water just broke about ten minutes ago.
colby: shit okay. i'll wake the guys up. we're on our way.
chase: okay.

chase hangs up the phone.
addison: chase this really hurts.
chase: i know. i'm trying to hurry.

when we get to the hospital, chase parks the car and turns it off. he gets out and shuts his door, he runs over to my door and opens it. i get out shutting the door behind me, he wraps one arm around my back and we walk inside. we walk up to the front desk.
tressa: hi chase, hi addi. is everything okay?
addison: hi tressa, my water broke about twenty minutes ago. i was due in two days but caden wants to come now i think. 
chase: how do you know our names?
tressa: you guys are our favorites here. we always remember our favorites.
addison: cole that's not important right now. our son is literally about to fucking fall out of me and you're wondering how they know our names.

a couple seconds later the door opens again and i turn around, colby walks in with the guys following him.
colby: i already called anthony. him and avani are on their way right now.

i nod my head and turn back around.
tressa: okay, follow me you guys.

she stands up and starts walking down the hall, she pages a few nurses and our doctor. she opens a door and we walk inside, she gets gloves and everything on. tressa hands me a gown.
tressa: go put this on and then we will hook you up to the monitors.

i nod my head and walk to the bathroom, i take my shirt off along with my shorts and underwear. i start putting the gown on.
addison: chase?
chase: coming.

i hear footsteps approach the door, it opens a second later and he walks in.
chase: is everything okay?
addison: i just need help tying it.
chase: okay.

chase grabs the strings and ties it behind my back, he picks my clothes up from the floor and we walk out of the bathroom. i walk over to the bed while chase puts my clothes in a pile on the couch, i lay down on the bed and she starts hooking me up to monitors and stuff.
colby: not to make you upset or anything but you definitely know you're gonna have to tell mom and dad about this at some point right? like they don't know about chase, they don't know you've moved in with him and got pregnant and they definitely don't know that you're gonna be a mom at eighteen almost nineteen. this is something they should know.
addison: i know. i'll worry about that after me and chase are at home with alec and caden.

colby nods his head and i get another shooting pain in my back.
tressa: are you gonna want an epidural?
addison: no.
chase: are you sure babe?
addison: i'm sure.  
chase: okay. how dilated does she have to be until she can actually give birth?
tressa: she has to be ten centimeters dilated.
chase: how many is she now?
tressa: she is already at seven which is kinda crazy because i've never seen someone be that dilated after thirty minutes give or take of their water breaking.
colby: is that a bad thing?
tressa: no it's not. every body is different so every body reacts differently to things. at this point though we do ask all the family and friends to leave except for the father so if i can just have everyone step out of the room we will come and get you after mom has the baby. we just do it for more privacy and less stress on the momma especially when they're at seven because it comes pretty fast after that.

colby walks over to me and hugs me, i hug him back.
colby: i love you.
addison: i love you too.
colby: you got this. you're gonna make the best mom ever.

i smile at colby and he smiles back, he pulls away from the hug and walks out of the room. the door shuts and chase sits in the chair next to the bed, he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. tressa walks out of the room, i turn my head so it's facing chase.
chase: i'm not gonna lie. i never thought we would be in this situation until we were like twenty-five. 
addison: i didn't plan to be in this situation until then too.
chase: we've came along ways though. who knew that one message would turn into this. i honestly didn't even think you were gonna reply.
addison: why wouldn't i reply?
chase: because it was and still is you, beautiful, amazing, gorgeous blonde hair with the coolest eyes i've ever seen and your personality and then there was me. a sad little e-boy. we were and still are somewhat complete opposites. *laughs*
addison: *laughs* opposites attract. you might have been a sad little e-boy but you were my sad little e-boy.

chase laughs.
chase: now i'm a happy little e-boy since we met.

i laugh again and smile at him, he smiles back at me.
addison: i love you.
chase: i love you too.

word count - 921

pregnant by chase hudsonWhere stories live. Discover now