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i turn my lamp off and pull the blankets over me more, i yawn and fall asleep a few minutes later.
*end of recap*

i wake up the next morning to people yelling downstairs, i open my eyes and stretch. i sit up in my bed and rub my eyes, i stand up and walk over to my bedroom door. i open it and walk out to the hallway, i shut my door behind me and walk downstairs. i follow the yelling to the game room and see jake and sam playing mario cart and yelling at each other, they pause the game and turn around. they look at me.
sam: oh sorry. did we wake you up?
addison: yeah. it's okay though. i thought someone was being murdered or something.
jake: sam is gonna get murdered if he cheats again and throws another banana at me.
sam: i'm not cheating jake!

i roll my eyes and turn around, i walk back upstairs to my room shutting the door behind me. i start going through everything of chase's that i have, i grab a hoodie of his that i took a couple of days ago out of my closet. i take it off of the hanger and throw it on the ground, when it hits the ground it makes a thudding noise. i walk over to it and bend over, i reach my hand in the hoodie pocket and feel a velvet box. i grab it and take it out of the hoodie pocket, i see that it's a black velvet box. i flip it over and see that it says promise ring on top of it, a small frown appears on my face and i sit down on the floor. i open the box and see a diamond promise ring in it, i look at it more and see and small folded up piece of paper by the ring. i grab it and unfold it, i look at it and see that it says for addison lee brock, the girl i love with my whole heart. i promise to one day replace this ring with an engagement ring. chase <3. tears gather in my eyes and i fold the piece of paper back up and put it back next to the ring, i shut the lid and put it next to the hoodie. i grab the picture frame off of my nightstand, i sit there and look at the picture of me and chase. tears start falling out of my eyes and i start crying, i set the picture frame down and pull knees to my chest, i grab chase's hoodie and hold it against my chest. i lean my head back against my bed, a couple of hours have gone by and i've finally finish gathering all of chase's stuff up. i set it all in a box, i grab the black velvet box and set it on top of everything. i fold the box up and get changed into different clothes, i grab my car keys, my phone, my wallet, and the box of chase's stuff. i open my bedroom door shutting it behind me, i walk downstairs to the front door. i walk outside and unlock my car, i get in my car and set the box of chase's stuff on the passenger seat. i pull out of the driveway and start driving to chase's, my phone starts ringing and i quickly grab it. i see that anthony is calling me, i answer it and put my phone on speaker and set it in my cup holder.
addison: hi.
anthony: hey.
addison: are you calling just to talk or?
anthony: kind of. how's your day going so far?
addison: it's honestly terrible. how's yours?
anthony: mine is okay. why is yours terrible?
addison: i have to go face chase and give him his stuff back and get my stuff back. ant i should've listened to you. i messed up so bad.
anthony: you're missing him aren't you?
addison: yes and i'm missing him a lot. i wish i never ended it between us.
anthony: well it's not too late to fix it. you're heading over there now so why don't you just talk to him?
addison: b-because he hates me now. he said he wished we never met. anthony i fucked up so bad. i should've never slept with him because if i didn't sleep with him then i wouldn't be in th-this situation.
anthony: addi i'm sure he misses you just as much as you miss him. he probably didn't mean it when he said he wished you guys never met. did you guys use protection?
addison: no but we used plan b right after.
anthony: so then how did you end up pregnant if you used it?
addison: i forgot to take it one time. this is a mess.
anthony: well you don't have to keep the baby you know.
addison: i know but if i had an abortion or if i had the baby adopted then i know i would feel bad and regret it in the future.
anthony: i know addi but sometimes it's for the best.
addison: yeah i understand that.
anthony: okay well i was just letting you know that you forgot your bag here.
addison: okay. i'll swing by and get it when i'm done at chase's.
anthony: okay. bye.
addison: bye.

he hangs up the call and i arrive and chase's a few minutes later, i park my car in the driveway and turn it off. i take my keys out and grab my phone and put it in my pocket, i grab the box of his stuff and get out of my car shutting the door behind me. i walk up to his front door and knock on it, it opens a second later.

word count - 982

pregnant by chase hudsonWhere stories live. Discover now