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Tears gather in my eyes and I feel him smile against my head, I smile and he sets me down a few minutes later.
*End Of Recap*

Chase: It feels like I've been waiting forever to meet you.
Addison: I know. I was and still am nervous but I'm happy.
Chase: I'm happy too.

Me and Chase pull away from each other, he wipes my eyes and I wipe his.
Addison: Where's you're family?
Chase: They are on a later flight today. They will be here in about six or seven hours.
Addison: Oh.

Chase walks back over to his suitcase and grabs it, he walks back over to me and we walk over to Anthony. Anthony holds his hand out and they shake hands.
Addison: Chase this is my best friend Anthony. Anthony this is Chase.
Anthony: Hey.
Chase: Hi.
Anthony: See Addison I told you that you had no reason to be nervous and I told you that he would like you how you look. *laughs*
Addison: Anthony shut up. *laughs*
Chase: So what did you guys want to do first?

Chase smiles at us and I smile back at him.
Addison: Whatever you want to do first.
Anthony: Don't you want to go to your hotel first to put your stuff there?
Chase: Oh yeah I guess I should do that. *laughs*

I laugh, Chase goes to say something when Anthony accidentally cuts him off.
Anthony: Do you want us to give you a ride to your hotel?
Chase: Oh I can call an uber.
Anthony: Chase, I don't mind giving you a ride. *laughs*
Chase: *Laughs* Are you sure?
Anthony: Yes. *laughs* Let's go.
Chase: Okay. Thank you.

Chase smiles again and we turn around, we start walking to the exit. We walk outside a couple of minutes later, we walk over to Anthony's car. Ant pops open the trunk so Chase can put his suitcases in the trunk, he shuts the trunk and Chase gets in the back seat. I look at Anthony and he nods his head and smiles, I flash him a quick smile and get in the backseat with Chase. Anthony gets in the drivers seat and starts his car, Chase tells Anthony what hotel he is staying at. Ant starts driving to Chase's hotel.
Anthony: Hey like not to be rude or anything but I think I might go hangout with Avani so like is it okay if I just drop you guys off at the hotel? I can come pick you guys up whenever you guys are ready to go do something.
Chase: I'm okay with that. Are you okay with that?
Addison: Yeah I'm okay with that.

I smile at Chase and he smiles back at me, when we get to the hotel Anthony pulls up next to the curb and parks his car, me and Chase get out of the car. Chase shuts his door and walks to the back of the car, I go to get out.
Anthony: Please be safe Addi. If anything happens and he starts to creep you out call me and I'll come get you.
Addison: I will. Thanks Ant.
Anthony: You're welcome.

He smiles at me and I smile back at him, I get out of the car and shut the door. Chase shuts the trunk and grabs his suitcase handle and pulls it up, we walk onto the sidewalk. We wave at Anthony and he waves back at us and drives off, me and Chase turn around and walk into the hotel. We walk to the front desk and he checks in, when he finishes checking in we walk to the elevators. He presses the button and we walk into the elevator, the doors close and Chase pushes the button for the fifth floor.
Addison: Your smile is so much cuter in person. *laughs*

Chase blushes and laughs.
Chase: You're so much cuter in person.

I smile and blush, I lean against Chase. He wraps one of his arms around me, he leans his head on top of mine.
Addison: It feels kind of crazy that we are actually together in person.
Chase: I know. I was thinking the same thing. I think this is the happiest I have ever been in a few months though.
Addison: Me too.

The elevator comes to a stop and the doors open, we pull away from each other and walk out of the elevator. We turn left and walk down the hall to a room, Chase puts the key card in the door and pulls it out. The light turns green and he opens the door, we walk into the hotel room shutting the door behind us. Chase puts his suitcase against a wall, he lays down on one of the beds. I walk over to him and lay down next to him, I lay my head on his chest and wrap my arms around his waist. He wraps one of his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him.
Chase: What should we do for the rest of the day?
Addison: I'm not gonna lie I kinda like just being able to lay here but we will go do whatever you want to.
Chase: I honestly would rather much just lay here and then do something tomorrow.
Addison: Okay.

I smile.
Chase: Have you told your brother about me yet?
Addison: No. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to hide you at all but Colby is kind of a jerk when it comes to boys. He wouldn't even let Anthony stay the night until a few months ago. I feel bad because I want to be able to tell him about you but he's going to freak out and he's going to want to meet you then when he meets you he's going to be harsh with you and I don't want him to be-
Chase: *Laughs* Addison it's okay. It doesn't bother me. I completely understand why you haven't told him yet.
Addison: You do?
Chase: *Laughs* Yes. He will eventually find out but if you want to keep it a secret from him as long as you possibly can then I am perfectly fine with that.

Word Count - 1,040

pregnant by chase hudsonWhere stories live. Discover now