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i lock my car and walk up to anthony's door.
*end of recap*

i knock on his door and quickly wipe my eyes, his door opens a second later revealing him and avani. he opens the door wider and lets me in, i walk inside and he shuts the door.
anthony: what's wrong?
avani: we can tell that you have been crying. did something happen between you and chase?

tears gather in my eyes once again and i reach in my pocket, i grab the pregnancy tests and show them to avani and anthony.
avani: oh my god.
anthony: are these real?

i nod my head, anthony and avani pull me into a hug.
avani: did chase freak out?
addison: h-he doesn't know.
anthony: when are you going to tell him?
addison: i don't want him to know. i'm scared of h-his reaction. 
avani: so you're not going to tell him?
addison: n-no. i know that's wrong but i don't want him knowing.
anthony: you can't keep a baby hidden in your guys relationship. he's going to find out sooner or later.
addison: i'm breaking up with him.
avani: so you're gonna break up with him and keep his baby from him? addi you're my best friend and i love you but that's not okay.
anthony: yeah you can't just keep his child away from him.
addison: a-as far as he knows he doesn't have a child.

their grip tightens around me and we let go of the hug a few seconds later, anthony walks up to his room with me and avani following him. me and avani sit on his couch while he sits on his bed, i pull my knees to my chest.
addison: i understand how bad and w-wrong it is for me to do this to him but we've never talked about our f-future and if he finds out and if he doesn't want kids then he's going to l-leave me anyways so i might as well just break up with him and get it done sooner instead of being with him and getting more attached then him breaking up with me because i'm p-pregnant.
anthony: but what if he doesn't break up with you? you really don't want to risk it just to see if he wouldn't leave you?
avani: you never know. he might not break up with you because of that. what if he doesn't care so he won't break up with you and you break up with him when you still had a chance to be with him?
addison: but if he does then i'm going to be more h-hurt. you guys please don't tell him?

anthony and avani look at each other and nod their heads.
anthony: we won't tell him because that is your decision and we will be with you this whole time if you need anything.
addison: thank you-

i get interrupted by my phone ringing, i grab it and see chase is calling me. i decline his call and he calls again.
avani: did you break up with him yet?
addison: no.
anthony: answer the call and tell him now then.
addison: i'm scared and i don't want to talk to him.

i decline the call and i start getting texts from him, i go to our messages and look at the messages.
bub🥰: babe where are you?
bub🥰: why are you ignoring my calls and my previous texts?
bub🥰: what's wrong? are you okay? did i do something?
bub🥰: please just answer my messages or calls?

he calls me again and avani and anthony look at me, i sigh and answer the call. i put my phone to my ear.
chase: addi whats going on? we had plans tonight and you just ditched them. are you okay?
addison: i love you so much but can you please just stop and leave me alone. i need a break.
chase: what's that supposed to mean? where are you? no one will tell me where you went and i'm worried.
addison: chase-
chase: addison where are you?

i go to say something but i feel a lump in my throat, i take my phone away from my ear and hangup the call.
addison: i got scared. i love him and i don't want to hurt him.
anthony: he's going to get hurt in life addi-
addison: i know but i don't want to be one of the people that hurt him.

avani scoots closer to me and wraps her arm around me, i lay my head on her shoulder. anthony puts on american dad, a couple of minutes go by and we hear a car door shut. avani turns her head and looks out the window.
avani: did you turn your location off?

i shake my head no.
avani: you know who that is then, right?
addison: yeah.
avani: go down there and talk to him.
addison: okay.

i lift my head up off of her shoulder and stand up, i walk out of anthony's room and down the stairs. i open the front door and see chase about to ring the doorbell, he looks up and sees me. he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the house, i shut the door behind me.
chase: what's going on?
addison: nothing.

i look down at my feet.
chase: don't tell me "nothing". i know something is going addi. whenever you get upset about something you don't look people in the eye, you always look down.
addison: no i don't.
chase: yes you do. i know for a fact you do because it's a small thing that you do and i pay attention to the small things.

i go to take my hand out of chase's grip when he locks our fingers together, he pulls me closer to him and lifts my head up with his other hand forcing me to look at him.
chase: you've been crying. i can tell.

word count - 1,005

pregnant by chase hudsonWhere stories live. Discover now