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chase: you've been crying. i can tell.
*end of recap*

addison: no i haven't.
chase: yes you have. stop lying to me.
addison: i'm not lying to you chase.
chase: yes you are addison. you're eyes are glazed over and they're red and i know you don't smoke pot so i know you've been crying. you don't need to lie to me. talk to me and tell me what's going on.
addison: nothing is-
chase: don't give me that bullshit. something is wrong and you need to tell me.
addison: i don't need to tell you anything.
chase: what is going on with you? addison lee brock i know something is going on. tell me.
addison: no.
chase: why?
addison: because it's not your business.
chase: did someone hurt you?
addison: no.
chase: did someone touch you?
addison: no chase. stop asking and leave me alone.

i push his hand off of my face and rip my hand away from him.
chase: are you ever gonna tell me what's wrong?
addison: no so quit asking me.
chase: is there anything i can do to help?
addison: yeah-
chase: what is it? what can i do to help you?
addison: you can leave me alone.
chase: what? do you just need more personal space? if you do i understand that.
addison: no. just leave me alone.
chase: so you don't want me to text or call you or anything?

a small frown appears on chase's face.
addison: no. i just want you to leave me alone.
chase: why?
addison: chase just go home and leave me alone.
chase: for how long?
addison: forever.
chase: addi i don't want you to break up with me. please? i love you and i don't want to break up.

tears gather in chase's eyes, another lump appears in my throat.
addison: i don't want to break u-up either but it's the best option for right now.
chase: addison don't do this. i'm begging you. i love you and i would do anything for you and you know that. for hell sake i moved across the country for you just a few weeks ago, don't do this. not now. i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. if i didn't want to spend the rest of my life with you then i wouldn't have moved across the country for you.

tears prick in my eyes.
addison: i-i love you so much chase but this is wh-what i have to do right now.
chase: why though? give me an explanation.
addison: just please stop and go home. i-it's over.
chase: addi we can work everything out. i-i promise. whatever you're going through i will help you through it. that's what i'm here for.
addison: i don't want to keep saying it. the more i have to say it th-the more it hurts.
chase: give me an explanation. i at least deserve an explanation on why you're doing th-this.
addison: cole chase hudson it's over. we're done. o-okay?
chase: don't do this. i left everything back in north carolina just to come be with you. i left my family for you addison. i literally left everything and everyone behind for a girl and you turn around and do this to me?!
addison: please don't y-yell at me? you know i hate it-
chase: i don't care if you hate it! i hate it that i moved across the fucking country for a stupid girl leaving literally everything behind and then she turns around and dumps me a few weeks later!

tears start falling down my face and i start crying.
addison: *crying* chase please, i-it's not like that-
chase: that's where you're wrong, it's exactly like that! like seriously addison?!
addison: *crying* chase i'm so sorry. i-i don't want to do this but it's for the b-best-
chase: maybe you're right! it is for the best since you can't even tell me why you're doing this!
addison: *crying* i'm sorry.

a couple of seconds of silence go by.
chase: whatever addison. thanks for actually breaking my heart and breaking up with me after i moved across the country for you. i'm not wasting any more time on you so you can bring my stuff over tomorrow and i'll give your stuff back to you. i knew it was too good to be true, i should've never messaged you on that stupid app and i should've never came down here in the first place to meet you because look where it ended. it ended with me moving and leaving everything behind for you then you leaving me. i'm over it and i'm done.

he turns around and walks down the few stairs and over to his car, i lean against the front door and slide down it. i bring my knees up to my chest and lay my head on them, chase gets in his car and starts it. he pulls out of anthony's driveway and starts driving down the street, a few minutes go by and the front door opens. a leg stops me before i fall backwards, i move my legs down and sit up. i stand up and i wipe my eyes, i turn around and see avani and anthony.
anthony: sorry, i didn't know you were leaned up against the door.
addison: it's okay.
avani: are you okay?
addison: not at the moment but i will be in the future i hope.
anthony: we're not trying to be rude but we were eavesdropping. we heard everything.
addison: oh.
avani: you still have a ton of time to make it up and fix everything between you and chase. are you sure you want to do this?
addison: i'm sure. it hurts and it sucks but i'm sure.
anthony: are you though? he said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. i think he would be perfectly okay with having kids since he said he would spend the rest of his life with you.

word count - 1,020

pregnant by chase hudsonWhere stories live. Discover now