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Hannah's POV


I thought Olivia was gonna have a stroke when I told her I would go. Never in a million years have I done something this bad, and I never intend to again. This is a strictly get in, get out operation.

I figured it would be easier to just go home with Olivia and tell Tammy and Bill we had a project to work on. I'd rather tell a lie, then sneak out. They hated it, but let me since it was for school. They said I had to be home by 5:00 though to make dinner. Looks like they're gonna be hungry tonight.

Olivia drove us back to her place like we were in the Fast and Furious. She lived in a fancy, gated community on the other side of town from where I live. As soon as she pulled her white Mercedes into the drive way, she dragged me inside.

We went to the kitchen and she made us two glasses of water and a bowl of fruit to snack on. I was just sitting at the bar, stuffing all of the strawberries I could in my mouth, while Olivia started at me, perplexed.


"Hmm?" She said, still studying my face.

"Why are you staring at me like I just grew another head?"

"I'm trying to figure out what I'm gonna do to you." I froze.


"Well, you have a pale complexion, and dark brown hair, which means darker colors will suit you more. I have a few dresses that might work, but I'm tan with blonde hair, so lighter colors tend to suit me more. I think I know of a dress that'll work, but I also need to consider the shoes, plus your makeup. I'm thinking for the makeup we go bold and seductive?" She questioned, finally ask my opinion on how I'm going to look.

"Look, I'll wear a dress just because it'll make me look normal there, but how about no makeup?"

"Can you walk in heels?" She disregarded me completely. "Who are we kidding, I know you can't. You should wear them for the dress. You could always just stand there."

"Olivia, no to the heels."

"Why? Then you'd have the perfect excuse for Jake to carry you around." She smirks. I turn bright red, causing her to bust out laughing.

"Asshole." I grumble.

"Oh, please, you love me. Now, let's go we have a ton of work to do."

"Hey!" She quickly grabs my hand and yanks me out of my seat, dragging me to her room.

Olivia's room is practically the size of my house and looks like something from a fairytale. She has a princess bed and a ton of other weird knick knacks. She sits me down in her makeup chair and begins my personal hell.

After an hour, Olivia does the final touches on my makeup before smiling proudly. She turned me to face her mirror and I looked like a completely different person. She gave me a brown smokey eye with black liner and fake lashes. She filled my eyebrows in, but kept them pretty natural. She gave me a shit ton of highlighter and even put some in the corner of my eyes. Lastly, she gave me a dark red, almost burgundy, matte lipstick. I looked different, but hot.

After my makeup was finally done, she spent half an hour doing my hair. She curled it and then brushed it out, giving me beach waves. she made me put on a short black dress that had a v neckline and showed off way more than I was comfortable with. We argued for ten minutes over the shoes, until she won, and I put on black stilettos.

I don't know who I was when I looked in the mirror, but I was definitely not Hannah Hale. I looked rich, confident, and sexy. Like I said before, Olivia is smart as hell, just not in school. It's a good thing she wants to be a fashion designer instead of an engineer.

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