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Hannah's POV


Probation, prova, hell. Call it whatever the fuck you want, but this shit sucks.

Sarah and I didn't think the probation could be that bad, mainly because everyone is on probation with the war. I did mess up though, when I didn't stop Sarah from running her mouth about it being an easy punishment at training. Since then, the Capos have come up with many creative tasks for us.

Ben decided it would be a fabulous idea for our group to run new trails, but we needed to mark them. This meant Sarah and I had to wake up two hours before everyone else, mark a five mile trail, and then come back before 7:00 so we could rerun the trail with everyone else.

Antony decided that he didn't like how the weight room was set up, so he made Sarah and I rearrange the whole thing. Not only did he make us do it by ourselves, but he made us do it eight times, before changing his mind again and just having us put everything back the way it was before.

Vinnie was hard on his soldiers, but he was also nice to them. He wouldn't limit their training to the training room, but would also let them do a ton of stuff outside. I always admired that and thought it was cool, until he decided to have a turn with Sarah and I. After training one day, Sarah and I spent six hours picking up every single bullet, arrowhead, and knife that was outside.

Ace couldn't have a turn with us for two reasons. Right now, his main focus was on some members he caught from the American mafia. Currently, he was torturing them. We would be helping him, but I haven't taken the oath yet and Sarah loves torturing, so it wouldn't really be a punishment.

I don't know if he's gotten any information, but I know he hasn't been going easy on them. He's been down there before Sarah and I wake up in the morning, and doesn't come back until late at night when we're cleaning. Every night when he comes back from the basement, he's covered in blood, and I know it isn't his.

We've had to deal with our punishments from the Capos, but we've also been training harder. One day when I got out of the shower, I noticed my body had changed a little. I didn't look frail or tiny like I used to. My muscles were starting to get more defined and my physique started to have more curves. I wasn't buff or anything, but I am definitely the healthiest I've ever been. For the first time in my entire life I'm actually happy with how I look.

I've also started to grow into myself more. Now that I've been here I've become more confident, bold, and sure of myself. Even Oliver doesn't pick on me that much anymore, because he knows I could put up a fight now.

It was difficult at first, and I felt like giving up, but I finally mastered the knives. After learning the balance and weight distribution that came with throwing them, it was easy. Oliver, per usual, was talking shit and saying there was no way I mastered the knives that quickly. He was eating an apple when he said that though, and his mind was quickly changed when I flung a knife, hitting the center of the apple right before he took a bite.

Since I improved so much last week, Ben decided to let me start combat training. Combat training was definitely more fun that sparring. I got to have fights with the beginners at first, and eventually got good enough for Ben to let Sarah and I have a go. That was the best fight ever.

It was such a big deal, that everyone wanted to see it. Oliver and Leo ended up selling tickets for people to watch the fight, while Thea sold drinks and popcorn. The training room was packed with people all on the edge of their seats and placing bets against Sarah and I.

I love her, but I wasn't going to let Sarah win easily, and I knew she wouldn't let me either. We were both relentless and fought for hours until Ben had to just call it a tie. We both walked out of the training room with bruises, cuts, and matching broken noses.

Thankfully, today was the last day of our probation, but we really didn't have to do much. Ben didn't make us map out a new trail this morning, so we figured they were taking it easy on us. Our group also found a new hang out spot. Instead of always being in my room, which the boys and Sarah would destroy, we moved to the roof. There were a bunch of old targets up here, but no one really used the roof for training anymore. 

We were all just sitting and laying around. Leo and Oliver had raided the food pantry and brought a bunch of snacks up here, while Thea had some magazines that she was looking through. I'll be honest, I completely forgot about magazines till I got here, but I guess they're better than nothing since we don't have phones.

"Have you guys picked out what you're wearing for the beach party?" Thea asked Sarah and I. I assume she asked because she was currently looking through a Victoria secret swimsuit catalog.

"Of course, what do you think I am? An amateur?" Sarah asked. We all looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to tell us what she was wearing. "Ok, no." She groaned. "I can't decide between my purple bikini or my red one."

"Definitely the red." Oliver spoke up. "You'd look like April Giminski, from Baywatch."

 "Fuck you, Ollie." Sarah immediately flicked Oliver off. Leo nodded in agreement, which caused Thea to slap him on the back of the head.

"I have nothing to wear." I sigh. We were all sitting on the ground, but I was laying on my back with my head in Sarah's lap. She looked down at me, studying my face for a moment.

"You know, I think your nose is still slightly curved from where I broke it." She noticed.

"Aww, thanks." I gush sarcastically."Yours is too." Everyone laughs, but we're all cut off when we hear the loud engines of an airplane.

Getting up, we all run to the edge of the roof as the plane lands on the runway. There weren't any special markings or anything on the plane, but it was smaller, signifying it was a private jet. We wanted to see who was in it, but we had to wait.

"Who do you guys think it is?" Leo asked.

"Well, Ace is here so it's obviously not him." Oliver answered. We already knew Ace was here, but he was also waiting for the person on the runway. It had to be someone important.

"Could it be his father? I mean, you said Alfrigo comes every once in a while." I ask Sarah, both of our attention on the jet.

"I doubt it. This war, from what I heard, is between the heirs. However, heirs can come and go. They're important, but you can't take something from them that they don't have yet."

"What do you mean?" I ask. Sarah, our drama mill, queen bee, now had everyones attention.

"You can kill an heir and it will disrupt a mafia's workings and line of succession. However, the death of an heir won't give you a mafia..." She said warily. "Alfrigo, as well as the other leaders, are out of sight right now. If they're found, they'll be killed and their mafia will be taken."

"Then what's the point of this war?" Thea asked.

"James, the heir of the American mafia was killed. I've heard it was by Ace, but no one really knows for sure. All we know is that he was killed by an heir. Jack, James' younger brother and the new heir to the American mafia, wants to start a war. He doesn't want the sicilian mafia, but he wants Ace dead. Apparently he's already aligned with Annika, the heiress to the Russian mafia."

"What about Ace?" Oliver asked.

"Cixi, heiress to the Chinese mafia." Leo speaks up. We all look at him confusedly, but he nods his head down to the private jet.

A beautiful asian woman with long black hair walks down the runway, towards Ace. She's wearing a white business suite and matching heels. She looked rich and elegant. She gave Ace a hug before kissing either side of his cheek. Something about the way she did it, told me it was more than a formal greeting.

"We should go." Thea said, starting to stand up. Oliver and Leo stood up as well.

"Wait."I held my hand up, stopping them before they left. "Whose that?" An asian man, looking just as elegant and fancy as Cixi got off the plane as well. He shook Ace's hand, a polite greeting, before wrapping his arm around the beautiful woman's waist.

"That's Kai." Sarah said, standing up as well. "Her husband."


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