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Ace's POV


We were ready to leave within an hour.

Annika and the others were loading the car while I finished a phone call on my balcony. Cixi has had people do more digging, trying to find out anything we needed to know about the American mafia. 

Sarah decided she didn't want to go. She had highs and lows all the time and, right now, she was drowning. Thea and the others have tried to comfort her, but Hannah is the only one who knows how. I pray that what Annika heard is true, not just for my sake, for Sarah.

"Ace." I hear my fathers deep voice speak up from behind me, causing me to tense up.

He and Cosimo have been out doing business all day. They got back around an hour ago but left us alone. We still haven't talked and I didn't want to. I have nothing to say to him, no reason to speak to him in person. The only time I ever speak to him is about mafia business, and Cosimo just relays the message.

"No." I tell him.

"We need to talk."

"I have to go." I turn around to face him, trying to walk out, but he blocks my path.

"No, we're talking, they can wait." No, she can't.

"You have two minutes." I say, crossing my arms defensively.

"Ace, do you even know why I'm here? This is the first time I've seen you in months, did you not think there was a reason?"

"Since when do you need a reason to fuck up my life?" I'm immediately slapped for my remark. I quickly reach behind my back and grab my gun, pointing it at him.

"Put your toy away, I'm not finished." We're both silent before I slowly lower my gun, tucking it back into my waist band.

"What do you want?" He smiles at me, walking over to the railing and looking at everyone loading the cars.

"You and I don't get along, my son. Luckily, you're smart, which means I'm fine with leaving you alone. I was fine with you killing James, then stepping out of your position and getting involved in a war with other heirs. I trust you to be wise and fight a good war.

"Then I heard a rumor. A rumor that my son, the strong, determined, ruthless, heir to my mafia, had turned into a weak, little child, over a girl. I thought it was a lie, I know my son. A couple days later, though, I request some Capos to help me with a mission. I wanted Antony, but it was denied because he had suffered a shoulder injury. Come to find out, you were the one that shot him.

"You shot one of you're own members, a Capo. I still trusted you though, I knew there had to be a good reason. Maybe he betrayed us? Nope. You shot him because you let a little jealousy, over a girl, get the best of you.

"I decided to come here for myself, see what was so special about her. When everyone got back, you were nowhere to be found. She was here though. That girl rubbed me the wrong way immediately. She doesn't belong in this life, she definitely doesn't belong in a position equal to yours.

"She's smart and fast, yet she also seems to be hot tempered and stubborn. She's weak, my son, and she's dragging you down with her. You know how the women are in this life, they'll do anything they can to sleep their way to the top. That's all she's doing to you.

"I remember a son of mine. He didn't care about women, just power. Power that he didn't want to share, that he refused to share. This girl, though, you let her lead more than yourself. You're so blinded by her beauty that you don't even realize she's using you. When you wake up one day, you're going to realize that you're the head of this mafia, yet she's the one with all the power.

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