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Ace's POV


Hannah was in surgery for hours when we got to the hospital. She had suffered some internal bleeding, an infection from her previous wound they fixed, and a fractured wrist. It was bad but better than I expected.

Majority of Ben's wounds had already healed. He had several broken ribs and some scarring in his lungs from being trapped in the room with smoke. He, like Hannah, was also covered in a ton of cuts and bruises.

When we brought them in the nurses looked shocked they were even alive. Their injuries weren't near as bad as they looked. Ben looked as though he had been beaten to a pulp and Hannah looked like "Carrie" after they dropped the pigs blood on her.

They were going to ask me to talk to the police but, once I told them my name, no questions were asked. Mafia don's are known throughout the world by certain places, such as hospitals. They don't exactly know who we are or what we're involved in, just that we're dangerous and seek immediate attention.

I thought I was going to lose my mind when they told me Hannah needed to have surgery. I just got her back and now more people are taking her away from me. I understand they're doctors and are just trying to help, but I need to be with her.

Vinnie, Antony, Oliver, and I sat in the waiting room while she was in surgery and Ben was being examined. We sent the soldiers home. One of the Capos from our other compound let me know that we had lost twenty six of our own. It was nothing compared to the 150 soldiers we brought, but everyone of them were my responsibility. 

The weirdest thing is, I never cared before. Yes, I lost soldiers and I was sad that they were no longer with us, but I never cared until now. Now, all I can think about is their friends, their loved ones. I can't help but wonder if some of them will have others at the compound, anticipating their return, praying that they're safe.

I feel miserable for them, I feel weak. My father was right she makes me weak. I don't think she wants my power, she's never intentionally made moves of going after it. Would she even want that power though?

I feel bad about my soldiers that didn't make it, but I don't know how she would react. It's hard to just forget that you have that blood on your hands, that you led those people to their deaths. Normally I don't feel that much remorse, and I drink away the little I do.

I hadn't slept in days and I don't think I would be able to until I was with Hannah again. I sent Oliver to go get some coffees but he was gone for hours. I made Antony go find him and the two eventually showed back up with Antony dragging Oliver by the collar of his shirt. Oliver had about fifty candy bars, chips, and other sweets in his hands.

"Found his ass buying out the vending machine on the fifth floor." Antony said, sitting back down.

"I was hungry!"

"Did you at least get coffee?" I groaned, rubbing my forehead.

"I got you a snickers..." He trailed off, shakily holding one out. I glared at him, causing him to quickly retract his hand.

"I'll take it." I hear someone say behind me.

We all quickly stand up as Ben walks out into the waiting room. He had a slight limp and was holding around his ribs, but other than that he seemed okay. Oliver dropped all of his candy in the floor and immediately ran to Ben and hugged him, causing him to wince.

"I'm so glad you're okay."

"Sarah's gonna flip her shit, bro." Vinnie said, looking at Ben as if he couldn't believe he was real.

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