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Hannah's POV


I have been shit on for my sense of fashion many times in my life.

Whether it be strangers, friends, or even foster mothers, someone always has something bad to say about my sense of fashion. I've come to expect it from most girls, like Sarah. What I did not expect, however, was for the don of the Sicilian mafia to hate on my fashion.

"That looks like shit." He says, not even looking up from the computer on his desk. Sarah, who was sitting in one of his office chairs, quickly agreed.

Since we've been at the safe house, we've all gotten closer, and on each others nerves, more than you can imagine. Ace immediately wanted me to make public appearances so he gave me a credit card and let Sarah and I run loose in a mall. He was beyond angry when he found out we spent over a thousand dollars on clothes, but that's his fault for only giving recruits workout stuff.

Ace explained to us that we would be going to a ton of charities and events so Sarah and I had to have nice dresses. We not only had to train harder but he also made us take a couple etiquette classes. They were boring as hell and taught by a crazy French lady, but it was fun to watch her yell at Oliver for using the wrong fork.

Sweet, sweet Oliver. Within an hour of Ace giving us phones, I had to block his number. He was constantly sending me tweets and memes and calling me from random rooms in the house. You would think he never had a phone before with how he was acting.

Tomorrow morning Thea and Leo were coming over. They were currently at a Canadian compound, but coming to help us with a mission. Since part of my "mission" was to make public appearances, we were going to a polo match. Ace isn't going because he wants to stay under the radar, but Sarah and I are going with Ben and Oliver. Oliver was supposed to be my date, but I think he's more excited about seeing the horses.

Sarah had already picked out her dress, which was blue with polka dots and ruffles, but we still haven't managed to find a good one for me. Personally, I suggested that they not make me wear a dress, but the look I got said the dress was non debatable.

I had tried the first few on in front of Sarah but she kept turning them down. Since Ace's Office was right down the hall, he got roped into our fashion show as well. He was more annoyed than anything, but what's he gonna do? Kick us out?

"I think you should wear the dark purple one with the hat." Sarah suggests.

"Absolutely not. You got me in a dress, I'm not wearing a hat."

"You could always go talk about in another room?" Ace suggests, finally looking up from his work.

"Finally going to voice your opinion?" Sarah asks, crossing her arms. He gives her a stressed look before sighing.

"Hannah, I will get you a personal stylist if you want. Just please, get out of my fucking office."

"Grouchy." I mumble under my breath, walking out. Sarah quickly follows me as I go back to my room.

Sarah and I both plop down on my bed, covered in dresses, while we take a break. Since there were three Capos and three of us, we each got our own Capo to deal with. Sarah, obviously, got Ben. He was hard on her, but she could also get out of stuff when it came to him. Oliver got Vinnie. Vinnie was hard on him, but I think working together just brought the two closer. I got stuck with Antony. Not only was he hard on me, but I had to listen to his flirty innuendos all fucking day, which is more exhausting than running ten miles every morning.

"I just want to sleep for a month." I sigh, closing my eyes.

"Me too." Sarah sighed. "I miss Italy."

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