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Hannah's POV


The ride to the polo match took forever.

By the time we got there I was ready to go home. We were a few minutes late but the match hadn't started yet. Ben gave the SUV to the valet and, as soon as we got out of the car, he immediately put his arm around Sarah. Neither of us thought anything of it until Oliver put his arm around me.

"Ollie, what the hell are you doing?" I whisper as he guides us through the people, smiling at them.

"We're on a mission. We can't walk in there like we're going to kill someone, we have to walk in naturally." He whispers back. I roll my eyes and look to Ben.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask him. "Do we just watch everything and report it back to Ace?"

"No. Ace has the place bugged so he can hear and see everything. All we're doing is making an appearance and showing you off."

"Lovely." I sigh.

There were bleachers for people to sit and watch the match and round tables covered in a white tablecloths for the more "important" people, as Ben put it. Apparently a lot more planning went into this than I thought because we had a table reserved for us. 

Sarah and I sat between Ben and Ollie, both looking out over the field. The two teams were setting up and getting ready for the match to start. I know nothing about polo other than the fact that it involves horses and sticks, but Oliver was surprisingly well informed.

"Wait, are we rooting for the blue team or the white team?" I ask him. 

"Whichever you want." The game hadn't even started yet, but I think Oliver was actually excited for the match. He was barely acknowledging me but, luckily, Sarah had no clue how polo worked either.

"I'm going for the blue team, they have hotter players." She whispered. I carefully scanned over everyone with a blue jersey and they were, in fact, good looking.

The game started and it was very boring. If I understood the point of polo, I might've had more fun, but I definitely don't. Sarah and I basically just talked the whole time, annoying Oliver to no end. We entertained ourselves by choosing which horses looked the prettiest to ride...and men.

Apparently, instead of quarters in football, polo had chukkers. There are six chukkers in a match, each lasting seven minutes. Between each one is a fifteen minute break. By the third chukker, though, I was half asleep.

"Wanna go walk around?" Sarah asked. I nodded and we got up. Ben was hesitant to let us go, but he and Oliver were way to invested in the match and wanted to wait for the next chukker to start. I told Sarah I was dying to see the horses, so we decided to go to the stables.

We walked in the beautiful whether, enjoying the breeze until we got there. Since it was during a break, some of the players were also back here with the horses. We walked around until I saw a beautiful dark brown horse.

"Oh my goodness!" I gushed, petting it. Sarah just laughed and reached her hand out too.

"She's beautiful isn't she?" Someone said from behind us. We quickly turned around to see one of the players from the dark blue team. He was tall with blonde hair and hazel eyes. "You can feed her if you'd like." I looked to Sarah, both of us blushing, before quickly nodding.

The handsome man handed me a carrot and I held it out, watching the horse take a huge bite out of it. Sarah and I laughed, gushing over the huge animal. After it finished the carrot, we turned around to talk to the rider.

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