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Ace's POV


Today was the day her training started. Hannah. I don't know why I let her join. I should've just given her a quick death like she asked, it would've been better for her. I couldn't bring myself to do it though. She was innocent in everything and just saw something she shouldn't have.

Ben, Antony, Vinnie, and Cosimo accompanied me to America for a trade. Normally the soldiers would do it, but they asked specifically for me. I should have never gone, but the Americans were our allies.

We met at the club in Los Angeles for the trade deal. James, their underboss, was also accompanied with four of his men. We were just there for the deal, 500 kilos of cocaine for 2 million, but he kept bringing up politics. He was constantly going on about the Chinese stealing their cargos.

There are a ton of gangs and mafias all over the world. However, the biggest, strongest, and richest are the Sicilian mafia, American mafia, Russian mafia, and Chinese mafia. We are the main four that everyone knows and fears.

Eventually, James, quit going on and cut to the point. He wanted to go to war and he wanted us as their allies. There's two problems with that. For starters, heirs don't control allies, in any mafia. We are being groomed to take over, but we don't have the power to start wars. Secondly, even if I did undermine my fathers authority, which I wouldn't be above doing, the Chinese are strong, skilled, tactful, and hard to beat. We're all the top four for a reason.

Going to war isn't a small thing. You're talking about losing money, soldiers, civilians, and so much more. If you decide on war, there better be a damn good reason. I don't know why the Chinese are stealing American cargo, but it hasn't effected the Sicilian mafia, so there's no need for us to get involved yet.

I told James no and could see Vinnie visibly relax in the corner. We were in a private room and everyone was in here but Antony, who was on lookout as a bartender. James, like most Americans, didn't like being told no so he tried to give me an ultimatum. He would go to war with the Chinese, with us at his side, or he would go to war with us.

By this point, I realized we weren't here for cocaine. I didn't care to deal with this shit anymore, so I got up and started to make my way to the door, until I heard a gun being cocked. I was not in the mood for this shit today. I turned around to see a gun pointed at me by one of James' Capo's. With no regret, fear, or interest, I quickly pulled my gun, a Glock 19, from my waistband and shot him. James' two other men and the concierge went to pull their guns, but weren't quick enough and were already dead.

They started this, they dragged me in. I was in a trance of anger. I didn't even think, I just acted. I heard Cosimo shout at me right as I aimed the gun at James, heir to the American mafia, and emptied my clip. I just took out five of the highest ranking members, and didn't have one single afterthought.

"Idiota!" Cosimo yelled at me, throwing his hands in the air.

I was about to say something to him, but the door swung open. Everyone, except me, froze, expecting it to be reinforcements. Instead, it was a tiny girl, clearly drunk. She looked around the room and saw the mess before looking to me. Her eyes locked with mine and I felt like I was the one who took a bullet.

She had dark brown, almost black hair. Her skin was pale, like the moon. She had beautiful brown eyes. Mine are dark brown, but theirs nothing but death behind them. Theres a myth that says brown eyes used to shine like the moon so, to hide their charm, they were colored by the river of heaven's honey. I always thought of it nothing more than a silly myth, until I saw her.

Vinnie brought me out of my trance and asked me what to do, so I had him give her chloroform, causing her to pass out. We snuck out the back door of the club and quickly went to the airport, using our jet to fly home.

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