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Hannah's POV


I watched the tail lights as the van drove away.

"What...the...fuck..." I quickly turn around to see Jake standing a few feet behind me.

"Jake." This isn't going to be good.

"What the...Hannah?!"

"Look, I can explain." No I can't. I have no fucking clue how to explain this. I started to walk towards him but he quickly walked back.

"No!" He yelled, holding his hands up in surrender. "What the fuck happened to you?!"

"Nothing, Jake. When I was gone I made friends. They taught me how to protect myself, how to fight."

"Hannah you just threw a knife at a guy and stabbed him!"

"He was on Olivia's roof, he had a camera."

"How the hell did you even see him?!"

"Like I said, I learned."

"Oh my gosh." He said slowly, still in shock. "We need to call the police."

"No!" I quickly shouted. "No cops, we're fine."

"Hannah, we're not fucking fine! We were being watched!"

"I know, but it's okay."

"How the fuck is that okay?!"

"Jake, will you just shut the fuck up!" I yell, getting frustrated with his panic attack. "Look, the people that I met when I was gone, they're still protecting me. Those guys that were watching us worked for them."

At first, I wasn't sure, but when I threw my knife and it hit the guy, he yelled "Cazzo".  He was Italian. I don't know why the fuck Ace had them taking pictures of me, but I would be sure to figure it out soon.

"Hannah, who the hell were these people you were with?"

"I can't tell you."

"Just tell me one thing?" He asks. "Was it legal?" He looked to me for confirmation, but I couldn't give him an answer he would like.

"Go home, Jake. Go to bed and sleep it off. Everything is fine." He was silent for a moment. He sighed shaking his head before he finally walked to his car at the end of the driveway and drove off.

I trusted Jake not to tell anyone. Not only would he keep it a secret in hopes of keeping me safe, but he'd want more information before he were to do anything. Jake is one of those people that will hear the tiniest thing but, instead of running his mouth, he'll attempt to figure everything out on his own. This is something he will never figure out.

I went to Olivias room and closed her window, making sure it was locked before I closed the blinds. She was still knocked out this whole time. I went to the guest room across the hall and laid down, grabbing my phone off the nightstand. I quickly dialed Ace's number, but it went straight to voicemail. I debated on just hanging up or trying again but, against my better judgement, I left a message.

"I haven't moved on."

I know Ace. I know that, regardless of his feelings, he would be pissed if I was already with someone else. It makes him a fucking hypocrite, seeing as he slept with Cixi and I was involuntarily kissed. Even still, I refuse to believe he made me leave because he thought I wanted a title. I don't know why Ace slept with Cixi, but he also doesn't know that I'm not with Jake.

At this point, being with Ace is a shot in the dark, but I'd take millions of shots just for the chance to be with him. At the end of the day, I don't care that he made me leave, I don't care that he slept with Cixi, or basically grounded all of my friends. At the end of the day I just want him.

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