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Ace's POV


She kissed me.

I don't know if she did it because she wanted to, or if she was trying to get rid of Kai, but she actually kissed me. Her lips were soft, tasting of the salt water, but I could also taste a slight hint of amaretto.

I pulled away first, both of us out of breath. The entire beach was silent. Everyone was watching the whole thing. Hannah's face immediately flushed and she quickly walked back to Sarah. Kai looked beyond mad, but Cixi looked more excited than anything, with a devious glint on her face. She may be a power hungry heiress, but at least she was never the jealous type. The capos were all shocked too, including Antony who had his drink halfway to his mouth.

"Bro..." Antony trailed off, staring at me. "Think she'll kiss me next?" I rolled my eyes and Ben smacked the back of his head.

Hannah and her friends had already left, but the rest of us didn't stay much longer either. Cixi and Kai had to leave so we decided to go ahead and head back as well. Before they left, I gave Cixi and hug and made sure to pat Kai's right shoulder. He tried to hide his pain, but he still winced a little. I'm not really sure what happened, but I know when I went to the training room this morning he was bandaging a pretty deep knife wound. I didn't know for sure but something tells me he tried to make a move on Hannah.

The rest of the day went by pretty smoothly, until night time came. I was just sitting in my office, trying to go through paperwork and work on trades for next week when my phone rang. It was Cixi. I don't know why she was calling me, but I figured it wouldn't be important. I let it ring till it went to voicemail, but she quickly called me again.


"Ace!" I immediately froze. She didn't sound smooth and confident like she normally does, but scared. She sounded terrified and I could tell she was crying.

"Cixi, what's wrong?!" It was raining in the background, making it hard for me to hear her.

"It's Kai. He's switched sides."

"What?!" That fucking bastard.

"Theres more..." She sighed. "He told Jack about the girl from the beach." Hannah.

"Are you okay?" I asked, trying to contain my anger.

"I'll be fine. You need to move out of that compound as soon as possible, and protect that girl. Something tells me she's innocent in all of this."

"She is." I said, hanging up the phone. I was silent for a minute, the whole compound was silent.

I chunked my phone across the room, causing it to shatter in tons of pieces. Of course that son of a bitch would do this shit. He gets jealous over a girl that isn't even his wife and now he puts her as number one on a mafia's hit list.

This is why I don't do love. Now she's going to be seen as a weakness to me. Jack won't go for me anymore, he'll go for her. He'll torment and kill her, trying to hurt me. She's innocent in all of this. She shouldn't be involved in this war, she shouldn't even be in this fucking mafia. Now though, it's too late.

Within an hour I had every Capo in Italy awake and ready. We were clearing this compound out, and we were doing it tonight. The plan was to send everyone here to surrounding compounds. They would all stay there, but Ben, Antony, Vinnie and I would go to one of our safe houses.

I couldn't decide what to do with Hannah. It'd be safest for her if I put a bullet in her head right now, but I honestly don't know if I could do it. There were two options. Hannah could go to one of the compounds just like the rest of the soldiers. She'd be hidden and under twenty four hour watch. It'd by her time, but they would still eventually find her.

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