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Ace's POV


I was taking Hannah home today.

If she was any normal person, she would be stuck in this hospital for at least a couple weeks. She wasn't normal though, because she was one of my soldiers. Hospitals have a specific list of people. They don't know their background or jobs, but they are aware that we fund a large portion of their facilities and, in the end, have more power than they do. I'm one of the few on that list.

I knew Hannah was dying to go home, but I could tell the boys were ready to go too. Antony wouldn't stop whining about wanting to go home and Oliver started too when his phone died. I wouldn't let him leave to go get a charger so he ended up going by every hospital room and begging for one. Eventually a nurse gave him one to keep him from disrupting other patients. Vinnie didn't complain, but he started to get grumpy. Whenever anyone would try to talk to him all he would respond with was "Can we go home?". I swear, you would think this mafia is being ran by me and a bunch of damn five year olds.

Since we were only in New York, the plane ride to the safe house was only around thirty minutes. Even though Hannah was released from the hospital, I didn't want to take any chances. I made her lay down and get some rest in the back bedroom, but she was too giddy about going home and couldn't sleep.

When we pulled into the driveway, Thea and Leo immediately walked out. I helped Hannah out of the car as Thea immediately pulled her into a hug, causing me to freeze. The hug was a little too tight for my liking, seeing as she was hurt.

"I missed you, agape!" Thea told her. Leo laughed when he saw my reaction and gently pulled Thea away, while I immediately wrapped my arm around Hannah.

"I missed you too." Hannah smiled. 

I couldn't help but notice how her eyes slightly teared up at the sight of her friend. I knew they were tears of joy, but I still didn't like them. I would pay millions if I never saw another tear slip from her  beautiful brown eyes. I pulled her closer, as an attempt to comfort her. As if it was instinct, she leaned into me more.

"Glad to see you're still alive." Leo smiled down to her.

"Thanks. Where's Sarah and Ben?" The couple looked at each other before looking back at her with a devious grin.

"Sarah's lover just came back from the dead, where do you think they are?" Leo smirked. Hannah stared at him for a moment, confused, before her eyes widen and her cheeks turn bright red. The sky flashed with lightning, illuminating the cloudy sky, followed by a roar of thunder that made Hannah jump.

"Alright, let's head inside." I tell them, looking up at the sky.

I walked inside with Hannah and attempted to take her upstairs, but she had other plans. She made a B line straight for the kitchen. She opened the door to the freezer and dug around until she found a pint of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream, Vinnie's secret stash. She grabbed a spoon and slowly lifted herself onto the barstool before taking a bite of the ice cream and moaning.

"Damn, even I don't make you moan that good." I joked.

"Ace, I was kidnapped for three days and in the hospital for two. I'm hungry, sore, and tired. Now is not the time for sex jokes." She says with a mouthful of cookie dough.

"If you're hungry, sore, and tired then why don't you let me take you upstairs and rest while someone makes you an actual meal?"

"Ice cream is an actual meal."

"No, it's not."

"Ace..." She groans. I throw my hands up in surrender, knowing this isn't an argument I can win, and go to sit next to her.

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