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Hannah's POV



Antony pulled away, smirking. Vinnie dropped his glass and Sarah looked like she was going to pass out. It felt like the whole ballroom was silent. Jack kept a poker face, but I could tell he was surprised as well.

"Well, I'm sorry for my mistake." Jack apologized. "It seems you Italians really are family oriented, you share everything..." I, personally, have no clue what that meant. Vinnie and Antony's reaction, though, told me it was clearly not a compliment.

As soon as Jack walked away, we all started to breathe again. Well, all of us but Sarah. I looked to her and noticed she was sweating and looked pale. I thought she was nervous about seeing people from her past, but clearly something else is going on.

"We'll be back." I tell, Vinnie. "Come on." I whisper to Sarah. 

She grabs my arm and I help her up. She wasn't just holding onto my arm to keep from losing me in the crowd, she was leaning on me. It's like she was having a hard time walking. I found a hall and immediately took her in that direction. There was a bathroom at the end and we quickly ran inside. I went to say something but she ran into a stall, right as she started to vomit. I ran in behind her, holding her hair.

I heard someone walking into the restroom and quickly closed the stall door. Luckily, Sarah had just finished vomiting and was quiet as we both listened. The woman walking in was on her phone, speaking Russian. 

"Annika." Sarah mouth from her seat on the floor. 

I tried to listen as best as I could, but I don't know Russian, so it wasn't much use. Sarah, though, seemed to be onto something. She quickly reached in her clutch and grabbed her phone, going into her notes. She typed something quickly and handed the phone to me.

She's on the phone with someone about her father. He's sick and she just told them to take him to a hospital in Volgograd.

I hated to be that bitch, but we could use this to our advantage. I started to walk out of the stall but Sarah quickly tugged on my dress. I gave her a questioning look and she handed me her whip. The whip was definitely not my specialty, but I have gotten better with it as of recently. Right as Annika ended her phone call, I walked out, holding the whip behind my back.

Annika was looking at her makeup in the mirror. When she heard the stall open, she looked up and saw me in the reflection, causing her to quickly turn around. She kept space between us walking to stand in front of the door.

"Well, if it isn't Ace's little plaything." She smiled.

"Hmm, how's your father Annika?" She froze.

"You speak Russian?"

"No, but I know he's sick and that you're having him taken to a hospital in Volgograd. I also know that I have Ace on speed dial and he has compounds in Russia, people who would be able to get to your father before he left the city."

She quickly reached into her clutch, pulling out a small hand gun. She pointed it at me. Before she could pull the trigger, I flung the whip out and wrapped it around her wrist. It surprised her and cause the gun to fly out of her hands. She looked between me and the gun, debating on whether or not she should go for it.

"Don't even try..." I warned, grabbing one of my knives that I had managed to conceal on the inside of my thigh.

"What do you want?!" She asked, defenseless.

"What does Jack have planned?" She was silent. "Tell me and I won't tell Ace about your father."

"How do I know you aren't lying."

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