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Hannah's POV


Ace slowly dozed off after our conversation, and I wasn't far behind him.

I have absolutely no clue how we got in the position, but I woke up on top of him. Luckily he was still asleep and didn't see it. I tried to move a couple times but he would constantly grab me, holding me in place.

I tried to maneuver my way off of him, but it wasn't easy. I carefully sat up, straddling him. When I did though, I felt something hard. I froze and my eyes widened. He mumbled something and slowly started to wake up. Aborting my whole plan, I quickly got off him and ran out of the room. Everyone looked at me as soon as I closed the door.

"So, Hannah..." Antony smirked. "How was being mauled by the bear?" Sarah chunked a pillow at him, causing everyone to laugh.

We had another eight hours left before we landed in Vermont, so Sarah and I grabbed some snacks that we found on the plane before having a movie marathon. Ben and all of the Capos were allowed to have electronics, so we stole his laptop while he was taking a nap and decided to watch the Fast and Furious series.

"May I just say, Paul Walker could get it any day, but Roman is my spirit animal." Sarah sighs, munching on a twizzler.

Oliver had gone through all of the ice on the plane trying to heal his Ace induced pain, Antony and Vinnie were playing a card game, and Ben was slowly starting to wake up. No one else noticed, but the first person he looked for when he woke up was Sarah. Forget the American mafia, I'm gonna kill myself if those two don't get married.

"What are you guys watching?" Ben yawns as he walks over to us.

"Fast five." She tells him, not looking up from the screen.

"Is that on Netflix?"


"What are you watching it on?"

"I don't know, some website."

"Sarah." He said her name, finally taking her attention off of the movie. "You mean to tell me that you are using my laptop, which has a ton of illegal evidence and files for the fucking Sicilian mafia, to watch a movie on an illegal website?!" She looked at the laptop, thinking. I was trying not to laugh while I could physically see the wheels turning in her head. When it finally clicked, her eyes widened and she quickly slammed the laptop closed.

"Oh." She carefully handed him the laptop, holding it like it was covered in germs. "Here you go. You might want to have it checked for viruses." He took the laptop and put it back with his things.

We were bored as hell the rest of the flight, trying to find ways to entertain ourselves. At one point, we even convinced Oliver to let us do his makeup. Other than the black eye, he looked gorgeous.

Ace never came out of the back room. We heard him get up a couple times and talk on the phone, but he never came out. At one point, Ben took him some food and talked with him for a few hours, but he wouldn't tell us what it was about.

When we finally landed, there was a black SUV waiting on the runway. We all squeezed into the car before having to ride to the safe house, which was two hours away. I don't know when teleportation will be invented, but someone should really get on that.

We were driving down a road in the middle of nowhere when the car slowed down all of the sudden. I looked to Sarah and Oliver, but they were just as confused as I was. The three of us were sitting in the same row, and the assholes forced me to sit in the middle. However, I was quickly thrown out of the middle and into Sarah's lap when the driver took a random right, now driving through the forest.

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