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Ace's POV


"Well, thank you for joining us Mr. Russo and, I think we can all agree, your father will be missed by many."

"Thank you, Grace." I say, smiling politely to the news lady, even though her words made my skin crawl.


I quickly get up from the chair and walk off the set, making my way over to Vinnie and Antony. They both looked exhausted from all of the interviews I've had to do today. At least they weren't lying to the whole world, talking about how "great" my abusive, egotistical, asshole of a father was.

"Please tell me we're done with the interviews." Antony groans, sliding down in his chair.

"We just have to wrap up here and then we'll be on our way to Sicily."

"Here's your phone. It rang twice while you were live." Vinnie says, handing me my phone. The two missed calls were from Hannah. She called me last night too, but I couldn't respond, not after everything.

Cosimo flew home with my fathers body to prepare a proper burial. Afterwards, he would be one of the few lucky people to retire in this world. Antony, Vinnie, and Ben started making calls to all of the compounds, spreading the news, while I called all of the other mafias. No matter how big or small they were, it was impolite if I didn't inform every single on of them. By sunrise I finally finished all of my calls. The only person who didn't answer my call was John Williams, leader of the American mafia. I think it's pretty obvious as to why he didn't answer, and I didn't expect a response either. 

Ever since I pulled the trigger, I've been moving and acting, trying to take all of the proper steps and protocols for when an heir takes over. To say this happening was a big deal would be an understatement. Normally, the title is passed down when the Don or Donna thinks their heir is ready, but I knew the only way I would ever get the title is if I killed my father myself.

Other than spreading the news, filling out paper work, and being sworn in, I also have to inform the media of my father's "sudden" passing. No matter how much I despised him, I wasn't allowed to defame him, even though I would be telling the truth. If I did tell the truth, I would be seen as an ungrateful son to the public, causing Russo Industries to lose consumers and ruin our laundering empire. In the crime world, I would be seen as someone who is disrespecting the family name and doesn't care about their mafia. The only way for me to win is to lie.

We were stuck at the interview another hour before we could leave. From there, we took a helicopter to upstate New York, because the traffic in the city would've taken a month to get out of. The helicopter landed at an airport where we boarded one of my jets.

"Thank god." Vinnie sighed, plopping down on one of the couches while Antony laid out on the other. None of us got any sleep last night and it was easily noticeable.

I walked to the back room and sighed laying down on the bed. It all felt so surreal. I have millions of men at my hand, trillions of dollars, and no one stopping me. My father is actually dead. I had everything at my finger tips. I had everything, yet I still felt broke. I felt broke, lonely, and miserable. It's because she isn't here. I just inherited everything, but I can't get her out of my head. I can't help but wonder what's the point of having all of this if I have no one to share it with. Hannah brought things into my life that all of the money in the world couldn't obtain. Yet that's all I wanted.

I didn't give a shit about the men or the money or the power like I always thought I would. That was before I met Hannah. Now, all I want is her. All I want is her and the feelings she gave me. Sure, she pissed me off sometimes, made me laugh, and made me happy, but she also made me feel at peace. My whole life has felt like a raging ocean, tossing me from one thing to the next, never slowing down. When I was with Hannah though, the water settled. I was no longer thrashing around and fighting for breathes of air. She made me feel like I was floating in a calm sea, where the sky above was clear and there wasn't a worry in the world.

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