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Hannah's POV


I woke up to the sun shining through the windows.

Ace was still asleep and I couldn't help but laugh at his position. Somehow, he had slid down the  bed and was laying with his head on my stomach, squeezing me like a pillow. I reached one of my hands to his head, playing with his hair.

He looked so much more relaxed when he was asleep. I knew he was always stressed out, but I never realized exactly how much until now. When he was asleep he looked happy, almost. It made me wonder what he would be like if he wasn't in this position in life, if he was normal.

I wanted to lay here all day, but I knew I couldn't. Not only did we have training, but tonight was the gala. I was a little nervous for what would happen and what was going on while we were there. Ace wouldn't tell us, but I knew it was something big.

Slowly, I tried to get up so I could sneak back to my room and be ready for training when Sarah got there. My attempt was failed when I moved an inch and Ace immediately pulled me back, hugging my waist tighter.

"You're not going." He mumbled. He was half asleep and his eyes were still closed.

"I have to go get ready for training." I whispered.


"This isn't school." I laugh. "I need to go and make sure I'm prepared for tonight."


"Yes." He shook his head, just making me laugh more.

"Don't leave, you know Sarah will kill you if she catches you." He tries to convince.

"She'll kill me when she goes into my room and sees that I'm not there." He just grumbled, snuggling closer.

"I'm the don of the sicilian mafia, I'll protect you."

"I don't know...hell hath no fury like a pissed off best friend."

He groans before dramatically rolling off of me. I laugh, climbing on top of him and gently grabbing either side of his face. His eyes slowly open and he glares at me. I glare back, causing him to roll his eyes. He moves his hands to my waist, resting them there.

"Well, now you're definitely not leaving." He says, looking me up and down. I shake my head and give him a gentle kiss before finally getting out of the bed.

I quietly tip toe out of his room, praying that no one is awake yet. As luck would have it, I was wrong. I didn't know who it was or from what direction they came from, but I was immediately tackled to the ground. As one would do in this situation, I screamed.

Ace, hearing me scream, immediately ran out of his room and into the hallway. We heard footsteps of someone else coming up the stairs as well. Sarah looked back at Ace, glaring, before looking to me.

"You bitch!" I looked up to see Sarah pinning me to the ground. "What happened to the pact?!" I looked to Ace, pleading for help.

"Sorry, Amore, I tried to get you to stay." He held his hands up in surrender before slowly walking back into his room. Asshole.

"What the hell is going on?!" Antony asks, running up the stairs.

"She slept with Ace!"

"I did not!"

"You just came out of his room! What else would you be doing, cleaning his windows?!"

"I slept with him but I didn't have sex with him!"

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