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Hannah's POV


"Ben?!" He's alive.

"Hannah." He sighed, leaning back against the wall next to the small cot I was on. "How the hell did you get here?"

"Ace and I were in France. He left me for two minutes and then a man came up to me and made me leave with him. I wouldn't have gone but he threatened an innocent child."

"Where was everyone else?"

"The safe house. After we found out about you, Ace left and the rest of us went home. Alfrigo was there and tormenting all of us. He was about to kill me but Ace came back just in time and took me to France."

"Wait, what do you mean 'found out about me'?" 

"Ben..." I sighed, slowly trying to sit up and rest my back on the wall. This wasn't going to go over well. "Everyone thinks you're dead." He was silent.

"Shit..." He mumbled under his breath. "Sarah's gonna kill me."


"How has she been?"

"Miserable. We could barely get her to eat or leave your room. Luckily, it was easy to hide her from Alfrigo. I didn't think she'd ever be the same again."

"We need to get out of here, I need to go to her." He says, standing up. I couldn't see because of the dark. He looked tired and sore but other then that he seemed fine. They must have been keeping him alive, like me. I could make out his silhouette, pacing as he thought. 

"I know but how?"

"In this life, we all grew up together, went to school together. Everyone of high power knows each other. That's what we need. I've been trying to find someone but they keep using soldiers or new Capos around me, purposely keeping me away from people I'd know."

"What about Annika?"

"I haven't seen her." He sighs. "I've done what little I can but I haven't seen or found her anywhere. I don't think she even knows I'm here."

"She doesn't, she thinks you're dead too."

"You've seen her?!"

"Yeah." I laugh dryly. "Who do you think fucking stabbed me. Me and her are definitely having a long conversation the next time I see her."

"She's not as bad as everyone thinks." He sighs.

"I know." I tell him honestly. "When we were in Atlanta I talked with her. She's on our side in all of this, Jack's just blackmailing her. She called me 'Donna'."

"Really?" He asks, stopping his pacing.

"Yeah. I saw her when I got here too. She said she's going to try to contact Ace and help him. She just can't risk getting caught."

"Ace will find us, especially now that you're here."

"For all we know he thinks I'm dead too." I mumble, looking down at my hands. I hated it but it was the truth. Ben walks over to me, kneeling down in front of me.

"He doesn't Hannah. I've heard people talking. Ace's soldiers have been all over America. He hasn't found anything but he's gotten close enough to make people anxious."

"How do we even know this is about me though and not just another war tactic. Don't get me wrong, I've grown to love myself more since I joined but I'm not fucking Helen of Troy. No ones launching a thousands ships for me."

"You're right, you aren't Helen of Troy. Your Hannah Hale, the future Donna of the Sicilian mafia."

"What?!" I gasp. I know people have wondered if Ace and I would end up together but Ben sounded as if he was sure of it.

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