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Hannah's POV


Sarah and I ate our sandwiches and hung out in my apartment till we had to go back to training. I'll admit, the running this morning was hell, but its not what I expected to be doing in a mafia. When we finished we had some free time to practice and I had to pick out my specialty. I think she was more excited about it than I was.

"Yo, Sarah, have you seen my xbox controller?!" A guy with a British accent asked as he bursted into my room.

You could take one look at Sarah and never imagine her to be in a place like this, but the subtle things give it away. She's always so confident and sure of herself, very intelligent and wise. This morning we had to run ten fucking miles and, while I was struggling to do a jog, she was bouncing up and down like a five year old on a sugar rush. She hardly broke a sweat or ran out of breath. Even now, when the guy barged in here I practically jumped five feet in the air but she didn't even flinch the slightest bit.

"No, dumbass, go ask Leo or Althea." She said, rolling her eyes and turning back to me.

The guy wasn't as tall as Ace or Ben, but he looked a lot more buff and muscular, whereas they looked more lean. He had straight chestnut hair and green eyes. He was pretty cute and reminded me of Jake. He clearly didn't like me though. As soon as he saw me he gave me a look of disapproval.

"Are you the one Ace chose?" He asked, his voice laced with disgust.

"It seems that way." I sighed.

"Ace also recruited me. I could see why I was picked, but what did he see in you?"

"Oliver, leave." Sarah warned.

"I'm just saying. She's puny and weak, the only reason I would've chose her was for a nice fu-." Before Oliver could finish his rude remark, a whip cracked, wrapping around his feet and causing him to fall to the ground with a simple yank. My jaw dropped as I looked at Sarah who smirked.

"Where the fuck did that come from?!" I've been with her all day and never noticed her carrying a fucking whip.

"A true soldier never reveals their secrets." She jokes. "But remember that you should always carry your specialty on you. You never know what type of dumbass is gonna appear."

"Fuck you." Oliver groans trying to untangle himself. "Get me out of this thing."

"Apologize to Hannah first." Sarah tells him. He gives her a blank stare. "Ollie, I think you and I both know just how precise I am with cracking this whip." She warned him. His eyes widened in fear and all of the color drained from his face.

"I'm sorry, Hannah. I'm sure you're a sweet girl and will be a skilled soldier." He rushed out, looking at me. Sarah got up and untangled him. He rubbed his ankles before standing up from the ground.

"Hannah, meet Oliver." Sarah smiles. "He is the designated asshole of the sixth floor. He's also super cocky because he was the only person at this compound picked by Ace." She paused and looked over at him. "Keyword being was." He rolled his eyes at her but didn't say anything else.

Not long after my introduction to Oliver, the three of us went back to the training area. After we talked for a few minutes, I realized he wasn't that bad, he just had an ego the size of the damn moon.

Oliver immediately walked over to a blonde boy and a girl with black hair. Sarah explained that they were also friends with her and Oliver. Their names were Leo and Althea, he was French and she was greek. Since I've come here, I haven't met that many people but have noticed how diverse all of the nationalities were.

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