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Ace's POV


I didn't originally plan on meeting Cixi to fuck, but nothing ever goes as planned. We did, however, agree to form an alliance against the Americans. All of our fathers wanted peace, which we wanted as well. There wasn't peace, though, especially since I killed James. Jack, the new heir to the American mafia, and James' younger brother, wanted my head. It was clear that, for us to have peace, there would have to be a war, and it was time all of the heirs and heiress' took over.

Cixi and I formed an alliance, while Jack formed an alliance with Annika, heiress to the Russian mafia. We were all powerful, but now it was time to see which two mafias could conquer the others. Annika was smart, and Jack had the man power, but Cixi and I were already starting to plan.

Cixi went back to China and we worked together long distance. She was closer to Russia, so they were going to quit stealing American Cargo, which come to find out was the American's stealing stuff from them, and bomb Russian territories. Jack's first instinct would be to help his ally, so while he was distracted, my men would start to steal some of their weapons.

We had been working non stop all week, trying to make this perfect. I didn't want to send anyone from the Italian compounds, so I would send people from the Canadian compounds. All of our American compounds had been evacuated, it wasn't safe anymore.

"Don?" Antony knocked on my office door, waking me up out of my trance. I honestly don't think I've gotten more than two hours of sleep this week.

"What, Capo?" I sighed, running my hands through my hair.

"We got a problem..." I froze, I swear if it was something to do with the Americans, I was gonna lose it.

"Ace..." Ben walked in from behind Antony and sat down at my desk. He looked worse than I did. He also was using my name, which meant something serious happened. I looked between the two of them, starting to get worried.

"What's going on?"

"You know that team that went to get the cocaine?" Antony asked.

"Yes, did everything go smoothly?"

"We don't know." Ben said, looking down at the ground. He slowly moved his gaze to me. "But we do know that Sarah and Hannah went with them."

I was silent for a moment. Waiting for them to tell me this was some joke, that a recovering drug addict and a new recruit were not seriously taken on a private mission to get drugs. Hannah hasn't even taken the oath, she could say anything to anyone.

"Let's go." I say, getting up. The whole point of having a team go to Mexico, was so I didn't have to. "Antony, you and Vinnie watcher the compound, Ben, you come with me." They both nodded.

Within fifteen minutes, Ben and I were on one of the jets, heading for Mexico. Luckily, It was 6:00, so they were only a few hours ahead of us. I was pissed that Hannah was on that fucking mission. It honestly wasn't about her not taking the oath, but her safety. She's been here a week, she doesn't know what to do if something goes wrong. The cartels are also into some human trafficking, and I'll kill every single one of them if I find out they've taken her.

Ben looked like a total wreck. I know he's worried about Hannah because she's his responsibility, but he's also worried about Sarah. Ben went through a phase where he was addicted to drugs. He got out of it, and helped Sarah when he found her. Neither of them like to be around it anymore, which I don't blame them. He's her Capo, but he can't lie to me, I know he cares for her as more than just one of his soldiers.

I tried to get him to get some sleep, but he refused. I couldn't sleep either, we both just sat there the whole flight. I had the pilots going a little faster than normal. It was dangerous, but I didn't care and I know Ben wouldn't either.

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