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Hannah's POV


"Hannah" I heard someone whisper. I grumbled something along the lines of 'go away' before rolling over to the other side. The person laughed before climbing over me, getting on the side I had just turned to. "Hannah" I groaned, putting a pillow over my face. The person laughed again and I heard my door open. I could hear the person who just came in walking until they got to the foot of my bed.

"Hannah, get your lazy ass up or else I will suffocate you with that fucking pillow." A deep British accent said. I quickly shot up, turning on my lamp. Oliver was at the foot of my bed, hands on his hips like a mother threatening her child. Sarah, on the other hand, was cackling next to me.

"What the fuck?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes.

"Get dressed, we have to go."

"What time is it?"

"Midnight." Sarah said. "It's a fourteen hour flight, to Mexico. We'll get there at two, make the trade, party for a little bit, and be back by tomorrow."


"Duh, do you really think I'm going to Mexico for drugs that I can't even have?!"

Sarah and Oliver left my room while I got dressed. I threw on black Jeans, shirt, jacket, and combat boots. I also threw some leggings and toiletries in my duffel bag before meeting everyone in the training room.

Today was Friday, which meant we were leaving to go to Mexico and get the cocaine shipment. I trained like hell this past week, trying to be my best for my first mission. I also worked a lot with my throwing knives, and I've managed to get pretty good at them too.

Leo and Althea were already cuddled up on the plane when Sarah, Oliver, and I boarded. In this past week I've become good friends with all of them. Sarah could become friends with a doorknob, so it wasn't hard with her. Oliver loves to bully me, but I've found a few sore spots of his that let me have the last word. Althea, or Thea, and I bonded over art and some paintings she showed me. Leo also helped me with my bow and arrow skills, which was his specialty.

I can't believe I've only been here a week and everything already feels so natural. I already have a routine, more friends than I've had my entire life, and feel like I actually belong for once. I miss Olivia like crazy, but I'm sure she'll be okay. Sarah was right when she said it's safer that Olivia doesn't know. All throughout High School she protected me from bullies, now I feel like I'm protecting her.

Sarah told me the jet had a bed and the two of us immediately started to make our way back there. I'm currently running on two hours of sleep and can be pretty cranky if I don't get the normal eight hours. 

"Hey, get back here!" Oliver yelled at Sarah and I. We both groaned before trudging our way back to the front of the plan and sat across from Oliver in some chairs. He reached into a briefcase that he brought before handing the four of us our own files. "Okay, people. Ace may have trusted me to lead this mission, but he doesn't know that we brought a druggie and new recruit with us, so we have to do this perfectly."

"Past druggie." Sarah corrected.

"Control freak." I mumbled under my breath, causing Sarah to laugh next to me.

"You two, quiet." He yelled at us. "Okay, here's how this is going to go. Leo and I will do all of the talking, you girls will stand in the back. When we get the drugs, Sarah isn't to go anywhere near them. Will bring them back to the plane, change, go party, and leave at ten so we can be home tomorrow by noon."

"Works for me." Sarah agreed. She hasn't been addicted to drugs for three years, but I've noticed that she still prefers not to be around them. I think she mainly just wanted to come to get out of the compound and party.

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