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Hannah's POV


I woke up to the sound of the pouring rain.

It was pitch black outside, and I felt for Ace in the bed. His side was empty, cold. I don't know where he went, but he hadn't been there for a while. I was starting to become wary, not having him within arms reach. It quickly subsided when I made out a silhouette, sitting on the end of the bed.

"Ace?" I questioned.

He didn't respond or move a muscle. I turn on the lamp next to me to see he had changed. He wasn't in his sweatpants anymore, but one of his suits. He wasn't wearing a jacket, though, and I could see his tense muscles under the white shirt.

"What's going on? Why are you awake?" I ask as I rubbed my eyes, slowly sitting up. He was still silent. "Ace?!" I was starting to get annoyed with him. He finally sighed, looking at me over his shoulder. He looked horrible, it was clear he hadn't slept at all.

"We need to talk." He finally answered. I immediately felt like the breath was knocked out of me, something must've happened.

"What's wrong?! Is everyone okay?!"

"Everyone's fine."

"Ace, what the hell is going on with you?" I didn't want to be rude but I was tired, grumpy, and impatient.

Ace ignored my question, standing up. I thought he was going to walk out, but he went to the corner of the room, grabbing a chair and sitting it a few feet from my side. He sat down and looked at me. I've seen many of Ace's mood swings and emotions, but this one I didn't recognize.

"It's time for you to leave." I was silent for a moment, confused.

"What do you mean? Did someone find the safe house?"

"No. I mean it's time for you to leave. You've done good Hannah, but I can't have you in my mafia anymore." I'm sorry, what? Am I deadass getting fired right now?!

"What do you mean I can't be in the mafia anymore? Ace, cut the bullshit and just tell me what the fuck is going on!"

"You love me!" He immediately shouts, silencing me.

Normally, when you tell someone you love them, it would make them all happy and giddy inside. It would make them feel consumed with love and a warmth. Ace wasn't normal though. He wasn't normal and he was angry. He was acting calm and quiet earlier, holding it all in. Now, he looked like he was ready to release a wildfire of anger.

In all honesty, I completely forgot I told Ace I loved him before I fell asleep. Not only was I tired, but it felt normal, right. When you truly love someone, saying the phrase doesn't scare you or feel hard, but it slips off the tongue just like everything else. I thought I was scared to tell him, but it just felt right.

"I don't understand, Ace. You're mad because I love you?!"

"No, I'm mad because you think you can!"

"Ace, believe it or not you're a lovable person." I try to joke in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"It doesn't matter, I'm not yours to love." That made my heart stop.

"What?" I asked lightly, furrowing my brows at him.

"Hannah, I told you I don't do relationships. I don't do love. I won't. We were never together and now you're saying you love me."

"So you're say you don't love me?" I asked, trying to blink back the tears. I watched him as he thought. I saw something flash across his face before it was quickly masked.

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