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Hannah's POV


None us slept last night.

I stayed with Sarah the whole time, just holding her. In the morning, Oliver came in and said we had to go to the airport. I didn't want to leave without Ace, but he was nowhere to be found. I think at this point we were all ready to go back home.

We drove to the airport and all boarded the plane. No one dared to say anything. Everyone was in pain. We let Sarah stay in the room on the back of the plane in hopes that she would get some sleep but it was no use. Thea and I tried to get her to eat or drink something but she wouldn't.

I called Ace at least a hundred times. Even if he wasn't coming back, I still wanted him to be okay, to be safe. I wanted him home, with me, but I wasn't going to beg. He lost his best friend, his brother. I couldn't ask him for anything right now.

We landed late in the afternoon and it was around dinner time by the time we got home. When we did though, there was a car in the driveway. I hoped it was Ace. I prayed it was him but we were all still alert because, deep down, we all knew it wasn't.

Before we got out, I grabbed my knives and the boys grabbed their guns. Leo and Thea's specialty was the bow. They didn't have compound bows with them, but they had handheld crossbows that were a little bigger then handguns. Sarah didn't bother to grab anything, she didn't want to defend herself against whoever was here.

We all got out of the car and carefully walked in the house. We searched the main floor but found no one. Leo, Thea and Vinnie went upstairs while Antony, Oliver, and I went to the basement. We left Sarah to wait in the living room. Antony led the way as we quietly walked down the stairs. We froze when we heard glasses clinking. I waited, listening for a voice or more movements. 

"Saluti." I heard someone say. 

Antony immediately sighed in relief, putting his gun away. Oliver and I looked at him and then each other, confused as to who the hell was in our basement. He walked down the stairs and over to a table where two older men sat.

"Don, Cosimo." He nodded, walking over to the bar.


It's not Ace, which means it can only be one person...his father.

"Ah, Antony, we were wondering when you all would get back." The don smiled at him. Unlike Ace, who only had a hint of an Italian accent, this man's was much richer, almost making his English hard to understand. "Who the hell are these two?" He asks, looking at Oliver and I. Ace was scary and intimidating, but his father definitely scared me more.

"Soldiers." Antony spoke before downing the entire glass of amaretto he just poured.

"I recognize her." The other man spoke, pointing his glass at me. Cosimo, Sarah told me about him. He's the don's concierge. "She's the girl Ace chose, Hannah." I froze. 

"Really? Did he choose her for marriage?"

"He wouldn't say..."


"No, he didn't marry her." Antony sat down at the table and waved his hand for Oliver and I to come sit down as well. 

We were both still silent. One of the things Sarah taught me about the don was respect. You aren't supposed to speak to him unless spoken to. The same is supposed to go for Ace, but obviously we're past the formalities.

"Hannah. You're a beautiful girl, has my son at least been intimate with you?" I froze, immediately turning red. Oliver laughed but quickly stopped when Antony glared at him. 

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