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Hannah's POV


It's been three days since I've talked to Sarah.

Since Alfrigo died, the only updates she gave me were that Ace was officially sworn in and Vinnie and Antony came home late last night. Apparently Ace was staying in Italy to spend time with his grandfather, at least that's what they told her.

I finally found a place to move and decided that I'm leaving tomorrow. I figured I would go to Britain and find a job. It was far away from everyone I loved, mafia or not, but maybe that's what I needed. I could find a job, get a flat, and sort out my life. No one knows me there, so it would be the perfect place to start over.

I haven't heard from Jake since the night he saw me almost kill a guy. I don't know if he's scared of me or confused, but he hasn't made an appearance since then. Tonight I would see him though, get to say goodbye. Olivia was going to be my hardest goodbye so I figured I would tell her when we got back home.

Olivia thought that tonight was the perfect night to go hangout with 'our' other friends. By ours, she meant the fake ass bitches that only ever tolerated me. I couldn't stand them either, but we always pretended to like each other for Olivia.

Just like old times, we argued over what I was going to wear for a full hour before we left. I hardly ever wore black before I joined the mafia, but now that almost all I wear. We finally settled on black jeans and a beige nike crew neck, that way I got a little color but I still had my black.

Her friends wanted to go to the movies. I don't know why they wanted to do that, they would just end up talking the whole time, but oh well. I wanted to see an action movie, or literally anything that didn't revolve around love and romance. They decided on chemical hearts.

When we showed up to the theatre, it was funny to see everyones reactions. All of the girls hugged me and acted like they were excited to see me, Sabrina even shed a fake tear. Jake awkwardly hugged me, but made sure to keep his distance and sit with the other guys.

As I predicted, the guys talked about football while the girls gossiped the whole time. Luckily, I got put on the end so I was able to tune them all out and play on my phone. I don't know why, but all of the girls were in tears by the end of the move. They weren't even paying attention?!

By the time we got out of the movie the sun had set and it had started to rain. All of the girls shrieked as they ran into the ice cream shop across the street, trying to keep their hair from getting wet. The ice cream shop was always an old hangout of ours because they had a lot of couches and wingback chairs. When we all got our ice cream and sat down, the questions started...

"So, Hannah, where exactly were you?"

"Why'd you leave?"

"Why'd you come back?"

"Did you meet anyone?"

"Did you sleep with anyone?"

I swear, they were like a bunch of birds that were obsessed with the sound of their own chirps. I didn't know how to answer their questions, nor did I really care to. They weren't important in my life, they never cared about me, they don't deserve to know the answers. Before I could tell them to 'fuck off', Olivia swooped in and gave them all the details.

"She met some people at the club and decided to go travel with them in order to get out of her comfort zone. They worked for Russo Industries and apparently she had a fling of some sort with Ace Russo. She got to go to Italy, Mexico, France. Speaking of France, did you guys know Champagne is a place?!"

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