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Hannah's POV


Sarah reminded me of Olivia in many ways. They were both blonde, outgoing, had an impeccable sense of fashion, and both loved to force me into clothes that were way out of my comfort zone.

For example, I would have never been caught dead wearing this bikini in California. It was a dusty rose bandeau top, with white thong bottoms. It was cute, but I don't like how much my ass was hanging out. Sarah and I argued for a solid three minutes, before she agreed that I can stab her if I get sunburn on my ass.

She decided to go with a pastel purple bikini. It was gorgeous on her and accentuated her curves nicely. Sarah was fine going to the beach like that, but I stole a pair of her jean shorts and a white t shirt to cover up till we got there.

Apparently, the compound had golf carts for everyone to take since the beach wasn't that far. We rode with a random group of people until we pulled up to a party that was already in full swing. There was music blasting with towels, chairs, and people everywhere.

There were multiple different tables with snacks and alcohol, and a few cabanas. One of the cabanas were for Ace, the Capos, and the guests. Cixi was in a beautiful red one piece, but it didn't leave much to the imagination.

We quickly found Thea and the boys and sat our stuff down with theirs. Oliver looked drunk, Leo looked moody, and Thea was munching on some fruit peacefully.

"So Thea, Leo." Sarah smiled, laying her towel out. "Hows the vow of celibacy?" She smirked.

"It was a dare, not a vow." Thea corrected. "And I'm fine, someones a little moody." She nudged her chin at Leo, who looked like a toddler that was put in timeout.

"I'm not moody because we can't have sex, I'm moody because every time I steal a bottle of fucking amaretto, someone decides to down it like there's no fucking tomorrow." He glares at Oliver. We all die laughing, Oliver a little too much.

"Sarah, darling, you look dazzling as ever." Oliver compliments her before looking me over. "Hannah, what do you think this is? Winter?"

"I'm wearing shorts and a t shirt!" I defend.

"I'm just saying, this is a beach party. You're gonna have to be wearing a little less if you want my kiss." I roll my eyes at him as I slowly start to strip down to my bikini.

"Yeah and you should be wearing a little less too if you intend to complete your dare." I pulled my shirt off and waited for Oliver's response. I didn't get one though. I followed his line of sight until I realized he was staring at my boobs. "Ass." I threw my shirt at him, snapping him out of his trance.

"Come on, girls, let's go for a dip." Sarah says. Thea and I follow her into the beautiful, clear water and make our way deeper. We keep going until we are waist deep and stop, relaxing there.

"May I just say, I love the Mediterranean." Thea sighs, moving her arms.

"You've only ever seen the Mediterranean. You should see the Atlantic Ocean." Sarah tells her.

"Is it prettier?"

"No, it looks like shit." Sarah and I immediately bust out laughing while Thea looks at us confused. I had only ever been to the Atlantic Ocean once, with a foster family, and it was horrible. I refused to even stick my toes in the water there.

"Someone's got an admirer." Thea sings out, getting Sarah and I's attention. "Ace, 12:00." Sarah and I both look straight ahead to see Ace. He's already staring at me, and he looks gorgeous.

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