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Ace's POV


I hardly slept after Cixi left.

I kept waking up, leaning into the other side of the bed, trying to reach for Hannah. It didn't even smell like her anymore. I didn't realize it at first, but every time I started to fall asleep, it was when I thought Hannah was next to me.

When I woke up the next morning, the capos and soldiers were gone for their morning run but the, lovely, heiresses hadn't woken up yet. As I've stated in the past, no one is more of a pain in the ass than heiresses. They haven't been here long, but Cixi's already been on my ass, and I'm sure Annika won't be any better.

I busied myself with emails and paperwork until Annika and Cixi walked into my office. Cixi, who looked like she was making a business deal, stiffly sat down in a chair. Annika, on the other hand, made herself comfortable like she was going to be here a while.

"So, how do we plan to end this?" Cixi speaks up.

"I think we should ask for a meeting at the safe zone and peacefully end it there. It's three to one, he'd be stupid if he didn't surrender." Mafia wars tend to happen quite frequently. Because of this, we have a safe zone in Santorini, Greece. There, we can all meet and negotiate, without the worry of being threatened or killed.

"Ace, I think you're forgetting, he is stupid. He's sixteen and a back-up heir, he knows this world, but not like we do. Knowing Jack, he probably wouldn't even show up to the meeting. I say we back him into a corner and force him to surrender. We take all of his supplies, kill all of his men, and leave him with nothing."

"We could do that, and it would end the war, but it would also cause us to be an adversary. As soon as he took over his fathers position, he'd just come after us again. If we talk to him and get him to surrender peacefully, it would be a tense alliance, but an alliance no less. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to kill the Jack ass, but theres a reason the American Mafia is one of the top four." I want nothing more than to let him join his brother, but I can't think of myself, I have to think of my people.

"Fine." Cixi grumbles. We all hated it, but she knew I was right. "Will make yours Plan A but if he doesn't show, which he won't, we go with Plan B." I sighed, thinking it over. I didn't think Cixi's plan was smart, but we only had so many options.

I looked to Annika who had been silent this whole time. She had a look on her face, signifying that she was either thinking, or completely zoned out. Normally, she is just as, if not more, opinionated than Cixi. Annika also seemed a little conflicted, which has never been a trait of hers.

"What do you think?" I asked, signaling my question to her. She quickly turned to me, as if she was a kid in school who was just caught sleeping.

"I think it's a good plan."

"Okay, so we're all on the same page?"

"No." She immediately says, causing Cixi and I to both turn to her with confusion.

"Do you think we should change or add something?" Cixi asked her.

"Yes, but it's non negotiable. I will stand with the two of you and go along with both plans. If you won't agree to my terms, I won't join Jack's side, but I will back out of this completely, leaving you guys at a weak advantage." 

Cixi and I immediately froze. We would still be at an advantage if Annika was not with us, but it wouldn't be by much. We need to stand united if this is going to work, otherwise, Jack will think he's still got a chance.

"What are your terms?" I finally ask her.

"I won't do it unless Hannah is there."

We were all dead silent as soon as she spoke. Cixi was thinking to herself while Annika's eyes locked with mine. She was making it very clear she wasn't backing down, but I wasn't going to back down either.

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