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Hannah's POV


My head was pounding like crazy. I was pretty sure I was gonna throw up. I don't even know where I am or how I got here. I faintly heard the sound of a plane engine, so I guess we made it to the plane after the club.

Last night was insane. Sarah made me do at least 8 shots of tequila and bought us all kinds of fruity drinks. I remember all of the drinking, some of the dancing, and for some reason I feel like Ace was there. It doesn't make any sense as to why he would be, he's in Sicily.

I still haven't opened my eyes because I know the sun is shining in the room. The need to pee slowly starts to dawn on me so I move to the edge of the bed, attempting to get up. My attempt, however, fails when a strong arm pulls me back to the center of the bed. My eyes shoot open when I feel a head in the crook of my neck.

I try to figure out who it is, and realize when I see dark curls and the person wearing a suit. Ace. He really was there. Why the fuck was he in Mexico?! All I know is one thing. I'm dead. I'm so fucking dead. I never break the rules and lately, every time I've decided to, I get caught by one person in particular.

I lay there, frozen, for a few minutes before I realize he's not even awake. I can't lie, being wrapped in his arms is nice. I feel comfortable and safe. I still have to pee really bad though. I gently reach my hand to the back of his head.

"Ace." I whisper. Nothing. I gently rub it, trying to get his attention. "Ace." Nothing, again. I go to move my hand away and jump when he grabs it, placing it back on his head.

"Don't stop." He mumbles, still half asleep. I continue massaging his head. Maybe I won't be in trouble if he's this groggy?

"Why did you come to Mexico?" I whisper.

"Because you and Sarah weren't supposed to be here." He says, barely whispering.

"Where is Sarah?"

"On the other plane, with Ben and everyone else." That caused me to let out a sigh of relief.

"Did we?" I paused. I don't remember everything that happened last night but I do remember feeling particularly aroused at one point. "We didn't do anything, right?" I quit massaging his head when he leaned up to look at me. He was slowly starting to wake up but still had that sleepy, morning look on his face.

"No, Hannah, we didn't have sex." He says, slowly. His hair was tousled and his voice was deep. "You passed out not long after we got on the plane. Besides, if I'm gonna fuck you, I don't want you unconscious. I want you wide awake, moaning my name." He looked over my face, trying to see my reaction. I don't even know what my reaction was. My face turned bright red, and I'm pretty sure I didn't move a muscle.

"I have to pee..." Was all I could say. I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. I didn't even realize I was holding my breath till I locked the door.

I was still wearing my makeup and dress from last night. I looked like a total train wreck. I don't know what happened last night, but I have a feeling I'm not gonna get the details from Ace. I stayed in the bathroom for at least five minutes before coming out.

Ace was no longer in the bedroom, but on a phone call in the front of the plane. I sat there by myself for a few minutes before the pilot announced we were landing. I probably should've gone to the front and sat in a seat with a seatbelt. If I didn't die from embarrassment though, I was praying a plane crash would take me out.

We officially landed around ten minutes later and I walked out of the bedroom right as Ace was getting off. Sarah and the others landed a couple hundred feet away from us and I immediately went to her. I expected Ace to go to his office, but he actually walked over to Ben.

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