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Hannah's POV


I was frozen when he pulled away.

"God, I missed you." He sighed, smiling down at me.

Jake just kissed me. Jack just fucking kissed me. A couple months ago, that would've made me die of a heart attack. Now? I think I may die of a heart attack, but not for the same reasons. I know Ace has men watching me, and I'm scared of what he'll do. I'm scared he will come here and kill Jake, himself, for thinking he could kiss me. However, I think I'm more terrified of him doing nothing. I know Ace can be territorial, and if he does nothing, then I've lost him for good.

I didn't know what to say to him. I missed Jake like crazy, but not in this way. I missed my friend, not my crush. Everyone has known I've been fawning over him like a puppy since freshman year, how do I just immediately shut him down without people getting suspicious? Lucky for me, I have a best friend with a big ass mouth.

"Hannah, who the fuck was at the door?" Olivia yells, making her way to the entry room. When she rounds the corner, she sees Jake and smiles. "Oh." Olivia makes eye contact with me and gives me a devious grin before Jake notices. I think she could've had that look on her face the whole time though, because he was too busy staring at me to notice her. "So...have you guys caught up yet or do I need to give you a guest room?"

"We're good." I quickly answer.

"Yeah, that'd be great." Jake says at the same time.

My eyes widen and, before I can even react, Jake is dragging me upstairs. I give Olivia a pleading look but she just shrugs before walking back towards the kitchen. Jake brings me to one of Olivia's guest rooms before sitting down on the bed. I sit down next to him, still making sure there is distance between us.

"So..." I trail off, fiddling with my hands.

"I'm glad you're back." He says with a smile. He hasn't stopped smiling since he kissed me and I'm slightly concerned. Doesn't his jaw hurt?

"Yeah, I'm not sure how long I'm staying though." That finally caused his smile to fade.

I hated it, but it was the truth. Sarah was right, I've changed a lot over the past couple of months and it's hard to go back to being the shy, rule-following girl I once was. I love Olivia, and I will always come to visit her, but I can't stay here. 

I have no clue where to go. I don't have ample amounts of money, even though I'm sure Ace would give me some if I asked. The funny thing is, most people would've taken my opportunity to vacation or go somewhere nice, like Bali, but I don't want to. I can't help but want to go back to the mafia. Regardless of Ace and my friends, that's my world. Thats where I belong.

I decided I would stay here for a little while until I figured out my situation. The Sicilian mafia is my home. It's where my family is. If Ace won't let me back in, even as a regular soldier at a compound, then I was considering talking to Annika. I wouldn't necessarily classify us as friends, but I do trust her and have an immense amount of respect for her. My only problem is her loyalty to Ace. They're strong allies and, if he doesn't want me in that life, he will find a way to keep me out of it.

I could never join under Cixi. She's a beautiful woman and a strong leader, but I couldn't follow her, not after she slept with Ace. She knows what happened, yet she slept with him. If I joined her mafia, I would be disrespecting myself. I would never join under Jack. If I hadn't been brought into this world when I was, then I might have been able too. Now, though, I've been on the other side. I have just as much hatred for his ways as the rest of them and I could never fight against the ones I love.

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