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Hannah's POV


"Figlio..." Alfrigo says, slowly lowering the gun from my head.

"Selinzioso." Ace warns. He slowly looks to me. "Let's go, Amore."

I get up from the table as he lowers the gun from his fathers head and starts to head towards the door. A week. It's been almost a week since any of us have seen him. Now he's here. He's here but he's angry.

"Ace, we need to talk." Alfrigo says angrily, jumping up from his chair. Ace stops, turning to face his father, but also makes sure that he's standing in front of me.

"Leave my Capo's and my soldiers alone. Be out of this house by morning, or I swear I will put a bounty on your head and come after you myself." Alfrigo looks shocked and Cosimo quickly nods his head to Ace. "There, we talked."

We walk out of the door and into the drive way. All of the black SUV's we use are in the garage, but there's a red Maserati MC12, still on, sitting there. Ace walks over to the passenger side, opening the door for me. I quietly get in before he closes the door and walks to the other side.

As soon as we get to the road, Ace immediately starts going 120. I look over at him, looking him over. He doesn't seem hurt, physically. He still has an angered expression on his face, but I also noticed redness around his eyes. He hasn't been sleeping. 

"Where are we going?"


"And then?"

"To where I was before."

He was being vague and it was getting on my last nerves, but I decided to leave him alone for now. He just came back, I don't want to scare him away again. His knuckles were white from gripping onto the steering wheel so tightly. By the time we got to the AirPort, it was almost midnight.  I dozed off in the car, but woke up when I felt Ace carrying me onto the plane.

"How long will the flight be?" I mumbled, causing him to look down.

"Seven hours. Will be there by the time you wake up."

"You need to sleep too."

Ace ignored what I said and took me to the back bedroom on the plane. He quietly walked out and closed the door. He needed to sleep. Plus, I just got him back after a whole week. I wasn't going to sleep if he wasn't next to me. There was a fluffy grey blanket at the foot of the bed. I grabbed it, wrapping it around myself before walking out of the bedroom.

In the front of the plane, Ace was laying across one of the couches, watching a soccer match. He looked like he was trying to keep himself from falling asleep, but I could tell that he wanted to, needed to. I turned off all of the lights and then the tv, leaving us in complete darkness.

"What are you doing, amore?"

"If you won't sleep in the bedroom, then we can sleep in here." I tell him. I climb on top of him and throw the blanket over both of us before laying my head down on his chest. He's silent for a moment, thinking, before he sighs and wraps one of his arms around me.

"I don't want to sleep." He says quietly.

"You need to, I can tell you haven't while you were gone."

"Because I didn't want to." He retorts.

"Well, fine." I grumble. "Don't sleep if you want. However, I am laying here and going to sleep. If you don't want to, you can lay here in silence the entirety of the flight." 

He was silent for a little while I started to doze off. He gently grabbed one of my hands, kissing it, before placing it on his shoulder. Instinctually, my hand moved to the back of his head, massaging it and running my fingers through his hair, causing him to let out a relaxed sigh.

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