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Hannah's POV


I waited till Olivia was asleep to call Ace. 

I didn't want to threaten him, but he made the wrong move by isolating me from my friends. Before, I was upset, but now? I'm fucking pissed. He cannot tell me to leave him and everything behind, yet still try to dictate my fucking life.

As soon as he gave me her number, I immediately called Sarah. I didn't give a rats ass that it was the middle of the night and I doubt she would either. It rang for a few seconds before she finally picked up.


"Sarah." I immediately let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay? Where are you? I'll come get your right now. I don't know who that son of a bitch thinks he is but I swear to god I'll kill him my fucking self if you're stuck on the street-"

"Sarah, Sarah, calm down." I cut her off. "I'm okay."

"I'm glad you're okay, but the situation isn't. He had no fucking right to do that shit to you."

"I know, but it's over and done with now."

"Where are you?"

"I came back to California, I'm with Olivia." I immediately heard her sigh. I couldn't tell if it was out of relief or frustration, but I'm guessing a little bit of both.

"Hannah, I love you, and I'm happy you got to see your friend again, but you shouldn't have gone back there."

"Why? If anything happens I can defend myself."

"I know, but that's the problem."

"Thats supposed to be a bad thing?"

"Would you have defended yourself before you joined the mafia?" She asked. "Hannah, you've told me stories of the person you were before. You've changed since then, in many good ways, but also in other ways. You are used to being endangered and surrounded by people who know what you're involved in. If someone is being suspicious, your first instinct isn't going to be normal, it's going to be skilled, smart, and tactical. It would be out of character for the Hannah that the people around you know, and they would begin to question you and where you actually were."

She was right. Before, if someone was acting suspicious, I would've tried to get away and find someone I know. Now, I wouldn't hesitate to reach for my knife and confront them. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but I know it would definitely scare the shit out of the people who know me.

"How do I just leave, Sarah?" It would kill Olivia. She just got me back.

"I don't know." She sighed. "I'm not saying you have to leave, just be careful. You also can't forget that you played a major part in a war that still hasn't ended. There will most likely be people after you."

"Do you think they would harm my friends?" I didn't want to leave, but I would pack my shit and go this very second if they were in danger. I heard her talking to someone and shuffling before a deeper voice started talking.

"Hey, Hannah, it's Ben."

"Hey, how is he?"

"Fucking psychotic." That was a new one. Ben is normally the only one to advocate for Ace, but even he seems pissed.

"What happened?"

"Well, when Sarah found out you left she kind of-"

"Bravely defended you against the big bad mafia don!" She shouted in the background, cutting him off.

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