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Hannah's POV


"Hannah?" Olivia asked, standing in her doorway. I smiled and she immediately jumped to hug me. She hugged me tight, afraid I was going to disappear into thin air.

"Liv..." I grunted, patting her back. "Oxygen...need..." She immediately let go, smiling at me and trying to blink in tears.

"Where the hell have you been?!" She slapped my shoulder, quickly changing her mood. "We were all worried sick about you! We thought you were dead." 

I looked around, feeling uncomfortable being outside. Even though I was no longer in the mafia, there was still a war going on. A war that I played a role in. He never said anything, but I knew Ace probably had people trailing me. Just because he doesn't love me doesn't mean he wants me dead, I think.

"Let's go inside, then I'll explain." I tell her as I slightly push her towards the door and start to walk in. I close the door behind us, making sure to lock the dead bolt, before going straight to her room. I may not have been here in months, but I still knew this house like the back of my hand.

As I sat on her bed, Olivia gently closed her door before running to her drawer and grabbing my old phone. She sat next to me as she gave me back the phone, causing me to chuckle. If I would've had my phone that night, I probably would've been in a very different situation. It may sound weird, but I'm glad I didn't.

"I'm assuming you want this back..."

"Just trash it, I got a new one." I tell her, holding up the one Ace gave us all. Her jaw dropped.

"That's the newest phone on the market, even I don't have that one yet. Where the hell were you?!"

"I was..." I sighed, thinking of what to say. Regardless of everything that happened, I took an oath. I couldn't tell her about me getting kidnapped, or the mafia. It was all too much information. I'd trust her with my life, but the mafia isn't my secret to tell. "Traveling." I finally finished my sentence.

"Traveling?! Hannah who the fuck gets drunk with their friends and walks off in a club, and leaves from there to travel?! You had no money, no clothes, what the fuck are you hiding?!"

"Nothing, I'm serious. I walked off, found myself in a private room, and met some people. They invited me with them and I thought 'why the hell not?'." I mean, that was basically what happened, the only difference is that I was taken against my will.

"Hannah. You mean to tell me that you, the girl who never breaks the rules, that will literally yell at someone for jay walking, just randomly decided to go traveling with a bunch of strangers?"

"Liv, you were right about what you said before we went to the club. I needed to quit worrying about following the rules and trying to live up to other peoples standards. I needed to live for me."

"So you lived for you by going to the charity gala in Atlanta last month? You hate dresses and can't walk in heels, yet you were walking that red carpet like a fucking model." My eyes widened and I froze. I completely forgot how big of an event that was. People all over the country saw it.

"It was something my friends wanted to do. I just tagged along..."

"How the hell did you even get in? Who the fuck are these people?!" That made me smile.

"Well their names were Sarah, Oliver, Antony, Vinnie, Althea, Leo, Ben...and Ace." I paused for a moment before saying his names. Hell does he even consider me a friend? Or was I just a fuck buddy?

"Okay, now I know you're lying. No offense, but you suck ass at making friends. You've lived in this town for almost five years and your only friends have ever been Jake and I."

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