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Ace's POV


I got her back.

I did it.

I don't know how in hell I got her to take me back, but I'm never letting her go again. I meant every word I said to her. I would give it all up without a second thought if I got to have her by my side.

It feels so surreal. Never in my life did I think I would be willing to give up my world for love. Hell, I never even thought I'd find love. Yet, as I look down at her, letting out little mews as she sleeps in my arms, it all seems so simple.

I always thought, if I ever found love, it would be all about giving. I'd be giving my wife flowers, or money, or gifts. Now I know it's not about giving, its about sacrifice. It's about sacrificing my good days when she has bad ones, sacrificing my work to lay here with her, sacrificing the world for just one of her kisses.

Now, when the sun rose, we were going to Santorini and ending this war. We were ending it so I could spend all of my time on her. For all I care, she is never going out of arms reach again.

Before the Capos went to bed, I had to talk with them and Oliver. Surprising both them, and myself, I apologized. I think it was safe to say I've been more of an asshole than usual, lately. While I was going to Santorini, the others were going home, to Italy. 

Hannah was, obviously, coming to live with me. Even though the compound was being rebuilt, I was finally ready to move out for good and turn my house into an actual home, with her. Ben and Sarah decided they wouldn't be moving into the new compound either, he actually found a home five minutes away from mine, that they decided to buy. Antony and Vinnie found an apartment in town and invited Oliver to move in with them.

Now that I was the Don, and back in everyones good graces, I needed to establish my team. Like all Don's, I needed an advisor, my concierge. Seeing as Ben loves to play therapist for every aspect of my life, and he's been my best friend since I could walk, he was the clear choice.

Don's have superiority over all soldiers and Capos, but they also have three main Capo's who are right under them and the advisor. They also deal with more important missions and aren't burdened with training soldiers. Antony and Vinnie were a clear choice, but now that Ben was no longer a Capo, I needed one more.

I have many Capos that have been here much longer than Vinnie and Antony combined, but none of them were the right fit. Oliver has only been a soldier for three years but, in these past few months, he's shown great initiative and it's clear he could be a great leader with more training. He isn't always the brightest but he was, after all, one of the few soldiers I picked. When I asked him to take the position he almost cried. He also asked me if this meant he would start getting paychecks, which immediately made me question my decision.

Hannah was pissed when I woke her up. When I told her we were leaving again in a few hours, I don't think she realized I was being literal. She was also freaking out about packing everything, and then got mad at me for laughing.

"Amore, I'm the Don of the Sicilian mafia, I have people to pack for us." I laughed, which only earned me a glare.

We all rode to the airport together and, honestly, I was worried. I wasn't worried about the war, per se, but more of the fact that Ben and I had to physically pry the girls apart on the runway and I thought a couple limbs might be lost in the process.

When we got on the plane, Hannah and Annika went to the back room and slept the whole way there, while Cixi and I stayed in the front and answered emails and other work we've gotten behind on.

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