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Hannah's POV


"Oh, Hannah, agape." Thea sang, walking into my room with Leo. Sarah, Oliver, and I were already in my room, talking about what had happened in the training room. 

When we left the roof, Sarah went and talked with Ben while Oliver and I decided to do some more sparring. I was focused in on our training, when a pair of hands grabbed my hips, holding them in place. It was Cixi's husband Kai. It wasn't the fact that he grabbed my hips, but the way he did it, that made me uncomfortable. Ben and the other Capos do it all the time, mainly because I always forget, but Kai did it in more of a flirtatious way.

"Someones the talk of the compound around here." Leo said as he and Thea sat on the floor in front of the coffee table. I grabbed a throw pillow and buried my head in it, groaning.

"What happened?" Thea asked.

"Cixi's husband tried to make a move on her." Oliver answered. Ever since it happened, Oliver's been acting like a protective brother. It's kind of cute.

"Yeah, Ace told me to keep an eye on you and try to keep you away from him." Sarah said. We all looked to her, confusedly, causing her to freeze. "I'm not sure if you're supposed to know that..."

"Thanks, Sarah, but I can protect myself."

"Yeah, but you shouldn't have too." Oliver chipped in.

"He's right." Leo agreed.

"Okay, I'm done with this." I tell them, throwing my hands up. "Change of subject please."

"We could go ahead and give out the dares?" Thea suggested.


"Every time we have an event or party we always give each other a dare to complete by the end of the night. It just makes everything more fun." Sarah shrugs.

"Okay, I'm down."

"Okay, people." Sarah smirks, rubbing her hands together. 

"Alright, Leo, dibs on yours. Your dare for tomorrow is to steal twelve, unopened, bottles of Amaretto." Oliver smiles. 

"Sounds easy enough." Leo shrugs nonchalantly before looking at Sarah. "Sarah, you have to sleep with Ben."

"Again?" She groans, throwing her head back. Meanwhile, I practically jump out of my seat.

"You slept with Ben?!"

"We don't talk about it." She glares at me.

"Funny how the one who knows everything refuses to share the slightest information about herself." Thea mumbles loud enough for all of us to hear. We all burst out laughing while Sarah's glare moves to Thea and she gives her and Leo an evil grin.

"Thea, I get your dare. From midnight tonight, until midnight tomorrow, you can't sleep with Leo."

"Hey! Why am I getting punished?!" Leo shouts.

"Why do I have to sleep with Ben?!"

"Fine!" Thea intervenes the two. "A dare is a dare." We're all silent for a moment as she looks between Oliver and I, deciding who to pick. Her eyes land on me. "Hannah?"

"Oh no..."

"I dare you to make out with someone tomorrow." I froze. "With tongue." 

"Thea." I feigned mock hurt, furrowing my brows and putting a hand over my chest. "What did I ever do to you?!" She laughed throwing a pillow at me.

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