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Hannah's POV


I woke up to the sound of someone snoring.

I was going to ignore it and fall back into my deep sleep when I was roughly kicked in my back. I shot up, confused as to why I was kicked in the back of all places, and winced from the pain in my abdomen. It wasn't near as bad as before, but there was still a dull throb.

Ace was nowhere in sight but, sadly, all of the others were. The obnoxious snoring was coming from Oliver, who was sleeping in a chair with his head laid on the edge of the bed in a pile of drool. Antony had somehow managed to wedge his way on the end of my bed and was curled in an uncomfortable ball, minus the one leg that was stretched out from kicking me. Vinnie, the only one who wasn't being a pain in my ass, was curled up on the floor, using his jacket as a blanket.

They all looked like they were in a deep sleep and, even though they were probably uncomfortable, I didn't want to wake them. I somehow managed to maneuver my way out of the bed and around the boys before walking to a bag in the corner. 

Ace must've packed it, because it had some of my clothes from home. I don't know if I am even allowed to change, but I am not walking around in a gown that shows my bare ass. I quietly went to the bathroom and changed into a pair of leggings and one of Ace's white t shirts. I looked back at the boys one last time before leaving the room. 

The hallway was mostly empty, except for the nurses station, where two nurses were tiredly sipping coffee and talking. I debated on going up to them, I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to be out of bed. I decided against it and just walked past them, acting normal.

"Have you seen that hottie walking around here?!" One of them gossiped to the other.

"Ace Russo? Oh yeah..." The other sighed dreamily. "He's gorgeous. Not only is he on the list, though, I think he and the girl, in 325, are together."

"He's on the list?!"

"Of course that's the one thing you picked up from that, not the fact that he's taken."

"Is he married?"

"I don't think so."

"Then, if you ask me, he's still up for grabs." She smirked.

Other than missions, I haven't really been in the outside world since I was taken to Sicily. I was never good with people, but the mafia didn't help with that. Acting is one thing, being yourself is a whole other ordeal. If we were at the compound, I would use that bitchy nurse for target practice. However, now, I just have to admit that I'm jealous and ignore it.

I walked pass the nurses station and went to the elevator. To be honest, I have no clue where I'm even going. I wanted to find Ace, but I also just wanted to get out of this place. Don't get me wrong, hospitals are super clean and probably one of the safest places you could be, but I hate hospitals. I feel like I'm going to get sick just from being in one.

Without thinking, I decided to go to the roof, a place where I could get some fresh air and think. When I eventually got up there, I immediately let out a sigh of relief. I'm not sure where I even am, but I know it's not a city. It's pitch black with stars speckling the beautiful nights sky. 

Towards the ledge of the building, I was able to make out a person. I quietly walked forward, making sure I didn't make even the slightest noise. They were wearing all black and talking on the phone. He was leaning on the ledge, his muscles tense. I could make him out from anywhere.


I don't know why, but I felt so giddy, almost like a puppy, about the fact that he didn't notice I was up here. Should you sneak up on a mafia heir? absolutely not. I did almost get raped and die though, what have I got to lose?

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