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Ace's POV


It's been a week.

It's been a whole fucking week since Hannah's talked to me. I figured if I gave her a couple days she would get over it, but I was wrong. We were wrong about both of the girls. Neither Sarah or Hannah would talk to Ben and I, they wouldn't even stand in the same room with us.

I've had many things in my life. I've had women, money, power. I've also had stress, survivors guilt, and blood on my hands. I've had many ups and downs with many different things and people, yet I've never lost a wink of sleep. I've never lost sleep over someone until her.

Before we slept together, I was fine. Sure, I would think about her but it wouldn't keep me up at night or cause my mind to shift focus. That was before she was ignoring me though. I never even realized how much of an effect she had on my life until she started freezing me out.

I couldn't stop thinking about her and I was becoming restless in more ways than one. I couldn't stop thinking about her hands on me or how amazing she felt. I couldn't stop thinking about her hands in my hair or when they would grip the sheets. She was constantly on my mind and I needed more of her.

I needed more of her but she would no longer give me the time of day. Ever since our argument, she and Sarah have been hanging out with Oliver and Antony. Oliver annoys me but I can handle him being around the girls, it's Antony I can't stand. Ben and I are pissed about it but even Vinnie has grown particularly bitter over the new friend group.

Every friend group has that one friend. That one friend that would flirt with a stop sign if it talked back. That was Antony, he was the flirt of our group. He was the flirt and he had gotten closer with the girls, Hannah in particular. I kept catching him flirting with her and, normally, she would tell him off. Now though, he had her blushing.

Hannah was with Antony from sunrise, when they would train in the morning, to sun down, before she would go to bed. I got so fed up with it I had to send him on errands for a whole day to keep him away from her. My plan backfired though, miserably. Not only was Hannah moping around all day because he was gone but, when he got back, she hugged him. She fucking hugged him.

Vinnie, Antony, Ben, and I grew up together. It's always been the four of us our whole lives. We've always been great friends, but we also have those we are more closer with than others. Ben and I have always been the calm, more responsible ones in the group. We've always just understood and helped each other more. Vinnie and Antony, though, were like tweedle dee and tweedle dum. They were always very close with each other. Complete idiots, but idiots that always stuck together. Lately though, Antony has barely spent time with Vinnie.

Luckily, to get our minds off of all the damn drama in the house, we had another mission coming up. There was a charity gala this weekend and many elites were expected to be there. Not only would Annika be there, but Jack would as well. Hannah being there would attract both media and mafia attention, putting all eyes on her. It would be perfect because, while they were distracted with Hannah and the gala, we were burning their entire cocaine supply.

The two most used illegal drugs in the world are marijuana and cocaine. Marijuana is plentiful, making it cheap. At the end of the day, the real money comes from our cocaine sales. When Hannah was at the polo match we didn't know Annika would be there, but we knew someone would. We knew that Hannah would be seen and Jack would know about it.

Jack would know about Hannah being in America and he, being the vengeful person he is, would immediately go after. We had to time it perfectly. We watched the cameras and we noticed Annika make a phone call before she went to Ben and made an appearance. Jack acted exactly how I suspected and immediately sent men after Hannah. In doing this, I know as well as anyone, that he would've had to leave his computer. He would've had to get off of his computer to talk to his capos and send men after her.

Jack is an heir, raised by the American mafia, but he's younger than his brother and I. He's only sixteen and, to put it lightly, he's stupid. We all have a way to get in contact with each other using a dummy email account. I have friends and allies, but only a few capos, and everyone in this house, have access to my personal number.

When we were still Allies with the American mafia, I had to deal with Jack once over a trade for American automobiles. Not thinking anything of it, he gave me his personal email. I had his but I only ever corresponded with him through my dummy email.

When Jack left his computer, sending men after Hannah, Thea sent a bug to his computer by using the email he gave me. The bug gave us access to everything. I now knew the location of all of his compounds, warehouses, weapons, drugs, and personal homes. I couldn't destroy the American mafia with this because he's only an heir. Heirs have power but we don't have total control. Even in the sicilian mafia, there are things and information I won't know about or have access to until I take over my fathers position. Yet, I could still destroy Jack within the hour. I didn't want to though, I wanted to see him squirm.

Before dinner, I had everyone meet in the living room to discuss the mission. In the living room, there are three couches. There are three fucking couches but Antony, Hannah, Sarah, and Oliver all squeezed onto one couch. Hannah was practically in Antony's lap. He definitely didn't mind but I sure as hell did.

"Okay." I say, clearing my throat and gaining everyones attention. "We have a mission on Saturday."

"Is it at a beach? I could really use a beach day. I miss Italy." Oliver rambles.

"Oliver, shut the fuck up." Ben snaps.

Antony may have been getting closer with Hannah but Oliver had been getting closer with Sarah. I don't think they've slept together but I have noticed the two getting a lot more touchy with each other.

"No, it's not a beach. This Saturday the girls will be attending a gala. Both, Jack and Annika will be there. Just as last time, you're going to make an appearance and participate. You shouldn't come across any trouble since you'll be in a public setting, but be prepared. I don't trust Annika but I'd rather deal with her over Jack."

"Whose going?" Vinnie asked.

"Sarah, Hannah, Vinnie, and Antony." Oliver and Sarah immediately looked bummed but Hannah and Antony looked fucking excited.

If I could help it, I wouldn't have let Antony go. Oliver is a great soldier but this mission is more dangerous and he doesn't have near as much experience as my Capos. I would send Ben with them, giving him a chance to be with Sarah, but I needed him to lead the team burning the cocaine.

If I could send Antony I would but Ben is much faster. I may hate him right now but I still want the bastard alive. If I thought we could get away with it, I would steal the cocaine which would send our profits through the roof. However, one of the things Jack doesn't have access to is blue prints. We don't know the layout of the building or how many men could be there, making stealing a risky method.

"Wait did you say Saturday?!" Sarah quickly asks. Sarah has softened a little, talking to me but still ignoring Ben.

"Yes, is that a problem for you?" I ask sarcastically.

"You said it's a gala, meaning we need dresses. How the hell are we going to find dresses by Saturday?!"

"Your dresses are already picked out." I tell her simply.

Not only do both of the girls have a horrible taste in fashion, but I knew they wouldn't have time to pick out a dress. Hannah looked stunning in the last dress I picked for her and I knew she would look beautiful in this dress as well.

Ben picked out Sarah's dress. It was a surprise, Sarah had once showed him a gown that she was obsessed with. It took him all week, but he finally found it and ordered it. The dress was already hundreds of dollars but I had to pay even more to get it here by tomorrow.

"Ace, I swear to god, if I don't look like a princess in the dress you picked out, I'll cut off your manhood and superglue it to your forehead."

"You'll look better than a princess." Ben spoke up. "You'll look like a queen."


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