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Ace's POV


I'm officially the Don.

I now have the power to start world-ending wars, millions of men at my disposal, and trillions of dollars on hand. I am unstoppable. 

"Congratulations." Eufrasio smiled as the others ended the broadcast and talked amongst themselves. "You have made me proud, I'm sure you will do great things."

"Thank you." I nodded. My grandfather looked around the room at my Capos and the representatives before looking back to me.

"May we speak privately?" 

I led him down the hall and out to the patio, which overlooked the pool and my land. I had acreage that stretched for miles, with a mountain view in the distance. My maid noticed us come outside and brought us a tray with a bottle of Amaretto and two glasses before nodding and leaving us to ourselves.

"You're home is beautiful." He smiled as he sat down and poured us both a glass of the liquor.

"Thank you, but I'm assuming that's not why you asked me to speak in private."

"No." He laughed. "I haven't seen you since you were a toddler, but you were always a smart child, Ace. I told your father that you would grow up to do great things one day."

"I'm sure he agreed with you." I nodded, taking a sip from my drink, as I played into more of this bureaucratic bullshit.

"No, he didn't. He thought you would be nothing more than a pain in his ass." He laughed. I was shocked by his honesty and my face showed it. "Relax, my grandson. I asked you to speak privately for a reason. I like to be seen as a man of respect and honor, but even I know how much of a bastard your father was."

"Then why did you give him the mafia? Why did you leave me with him when my mother died?" I asked. I don't know why it angered me, but if he knew how bad my father was he should've done something.

"Believe me Ace, you weren't the only one that saw the evil in his eyes, that he tried to use it against. I never wanted to give your father the mafia, but I knew he would kill me if I didn't. With me dead, Alfrigo would've destroyed everything within a week. I gave him my position when the council was created so I could become a representative. With the council, I could assure that your father was kept in check and that he had no more power than he needed."

"And what about me?" He looked over my expression of confusion, studying me.

"You look just like your father, you know." I don't take that as a compliment. "You look just like him, but you got two things from Carina, your mother. You got her eyes, beautiful brown eyes that sparkle in the sun, almost with a golden look. You got her eyes and you got her heart. Her heart that showed mercy, as well as bravery and compassion."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Your mother was kidnapped, forced into this life. She was forced to lead a mafia and bear a child, all within a year. Carina hated it here, she wanted nothing more than to go back to her old life, wake up from this fever dream. But then she had you. She didn't get much time with you before she passed, but when she looked into those beautiful eyes you have, you gave her the same thing you give all of your loved ones. Hope. She begged the doctors to save her but there was nothing they could do. Right before she passed, she asked me to get you away from your father, to give you a normal life.

"I wanted to. I tried to keep your father away but there was only so much I could do. Your father was still an heir at the time, but we all knew it wouldn't be long before he took over. I always had him running from place to place, doing different missions and tasks. That got him away from you and left you with maids and wet nurses. By the end of the day, your father was so tired, he would leave you alone. After all, he never wanted a child, just an heir.

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