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Hannah's POV



We've been driving around for hours. The truck was still following us even though Ben drove to the middle of absolutely nowhere. I was hungry, Sarah was exhausted, Oliver had to pee, and we were almost out of gas.

We left the match around 11:00 and it was now 3:00. We called Ace, asking what do. His dumbass plan was to keep going until they gave up. It looked like we were in the country side somewhere and there was absolutely nothing but us, the truck, and fields.

"I have to pee!" Oliver whined for the eleventh time.

"Shut the fuck up, we're almost there." Ben said sharply. I could tell he was worried about the car following us, but I think his crankiness also had to do with Sarah, who still wasn't talking.

"Where are we going, exactly?" I asked.

"We're almost at a gas station. There's another car for us there."

"You mean to tell me we're going to stop and get in another car?" I asked slowly. "We're being followed, do we tell them to pause for a quick vehicle change?!"

"No, we don't. Everyone be ready."

We drove until we got to an abandoned gas station. Ben quickly turned in and pulled up next to a black SUV. We did the fastest game of Chinese fire drill known to man, quickly running into the black SUV. We all got in, locked the doors, and waited.

The truck was a couple hundred yards back, following at a distance. When they finally came to the gas station, we expected them to turn in, but they just kept going. We were all shocked, but Ben sighed in relief.

"I can't take it anymore!" Oliver jumped out of the car and ran a couple yards away to relieve himself.

We all waited for Oliver in an awkward silence. Ben kept looking at Sarah in the rearview mirror, but she was avoiding eye contact. He looked to me and I glared. I don't know what happened but he kissed another girl and hurt my best friend, he can die in a hole for all I care.

"Okay, people, we're good to go." Oliver smiled, jumping back in the car.

Ben took off back down the road and we finally headed home. To keep us from sitting in silence, Oliver turned the radio to 2000's hits and was screaming to the song "gold digger" at the top of his lungs. Ben was still looking back at Sarah, getting more and more frustrated by the second.

"Oh, she's a gold digger...way over town...that digs on me!" Oliver shouted. Right before the beat dropped, Ben cut the radio off. Oliver looked to him with a hurt expression as if he was just told his dog died.

"Sarah." Ben started again. "We're stuck in a car for four hours till we get back, you might as well talk to me." Oliver turned around to face me.

"Four hours?!" He mouthed, causing me to laugh.

"Sarah, I swear. If you don't start talking, I will come back there." He warned. She groaned, glaring at him in the mirror.

"Is that supposed to be a threat?!"

"Oliver, take the wheel."


Before anyone could realize, the car started swerving while Ben got up and crawled in the back. Oliver quickly reached over, holding the wheel steady. He carefully climbed over the center console and into the drivers seat. Ben wedged his way between Sarah and I before looking at me. We held eye contact for a moment before I finally figured out what he was trying to tell me.

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