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Ace's POV


Last week, Jack made a move.

We had successfully stolen a ton of the Americans weapons and moved them to Canada. I figured he would look in Italy first, so we decided to leave them there for a while. I was right, because we found three American members searching in Rome. 

We brought them in and I've been torturing them since they've gotten to the compound. Either they know nothing, or they've been specially trained. I'm good when it comes to my torture methods, it relaxes me. However, torture isn't my strong suit. Luckily, it's my ally's.

I decided to fly Cixi in for a few days to help. What I didn't intend, was for her husband to be joining her. I've never really had a problem with Kai, per se, but more of his marriage with Cixi. Kai is the heir to the Japanese mafia. They're much smaller than the Chinese and Sicilian, but they're still a strong mafia. Kai and Cixi's marriage was more of a business arrangement and a power move, then an actual marriage. They are good friends and get along well, but they both have affairs with people of their choice. 

Cixi and I met when we were teens and we were together for a year. When she turned eighteen, her father wanted her to marry. Originally, he offered the proposal to me, but I turned it down. Cixi is a good friend, but that's all I ever intend for her to be. She married Kai and they were happy for a while, until they got to the point there at now. I won't lie and say I didn't sleep with Cixi the last time she visited, but I wouldn't do it with her husband here. Even though he already knows, it's disrespectful.

I walked the two inside where some of the soldiers were currently training. Hannah was currently sparring with Oliver, and doing a good job. She's improved greatly ever since she came here, she'll make an amazing soldier one day.

I tried to keep walking, intending to take them to the basement, but Kai stopped to observe Hannah and Oliver. Hannah was zoned in and didn't even realize we were watching her until Kai put his hands on her hips, causing her to jump. I froze, quickly putting my guard up.

"Keep your hips in place, they'll help with your balance." He instructed her. She looked up at him, slightly shocked, before nodding. 

Cixi and I continued to walk again with Kai trailing a couple feet behind us. He kept looking back and watching Hannah. He saw my reaction with Hannah, and probably planned to use her until he left. Just cause he knows I slept with his wife doesn't mean he liked it.

"Tell your husband to keep his hands off my soldiers." I warned Cixi, lowly.

"Why? Then he'd have to tell you to keep your hands off his wife." She smirked. I looked down at her, giving her my final warning. I've been frustrated and short tempered for weeks. Now was not the time to mess with me and she knew it.

We got on the elevator and Cixi casually snuggled up to Kai, whispering in his ear. I don't know if she was trying to make me jealous, giving him a warning, or both. She wasn't here for my personal amusement though, whether she liked it or not.

The elevator opened to the basement floor and I walked them to the back of the halls, where the torture rooms were. We walked into the first room, which had a man in his early twenties. He must've been in this world for a while, because he froze when he saw Cixi.

"Well, hello there." She smiled, waving at the man seductively. I had already messed with him a little, so he didn't look all that great. He was currently missing an ear, two fingers, and multiple patches of skin. Cixi looked back at Kai and I, giving us a smile. "Boys, why don't you wait out in the hall so we can have a little talk?" She said it like it was a suggestion, but we both knew it was an order. As soon as the door closed, I heard the sound of her lighting the flame torch, causing me to smirk. 

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