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Hannah's POV


I woke up the next morning to a knock on my door at 6:00. I walked to the door and opened it but no one was there. There was a black duffle bag with a white note on the top. I picked up the duffel and the note and walked back in my room, laying the bag on my coffee table.

You're training clothes are in here. Training starts at 7:00. -Benevello

It took me a moment to remember who Benevello was from me and Sarah's conversation last night. After she explained everything to me, she stayed for a few more hours and we talked. I told her about what happened and how I ended up here, about my best friend who I was already feeling lost without, and my first kiss.

Sarah then told me her story. Apparently she moved to Atlanta to pursue a music career. She was an amazing singer, but many producers didn't think she was good enough. To cope with all of the rejection and her failed career, she turned to cocaine. She never had much money, but ended up losing her apartment and everything she owned because of her addiction.

She was on the streets with nothing and she didn't want to go back home because she thought her parents would think she was a disgrace. One night, Ben, Vinnie, and Antony just so happened to be leaving a bar in Atlanta and they came across her, trying to get out of the rain in an alley. 

Vinnie and Antony saw her as nothing more than a homeless druggie, but Ben had hope for her. He brought her back to Sicily with them and introduced her to Ace. She was confused and scared, but also going through withdrawals and was a 'tiny, twitchy, mess', as she put it.

Ace reluctantly let her in but told Ben she was his responsibility, which he didn't mind. He helped her fight her addiction and trained with her more than some of the others until she was just as strong and able as everyone else. 

I asked her if there was something between them, but she rejected the idea quickly. Sarah said that her relationship with Ben was just like everyone else, he was a Capo and she was a soldier. I found it hard to believe that there was nothing there, but I guess I'll find out sooner or later.

I opened the duffel bag that was filled with clothes. There were leggings, tank tops, under garments, jeans, shirts, and jackets. I have no clue how they fit a whole freaking wardrobe in here, or how they knew my exact size for everything. The only downside was they were all black.

Don't get me wrong, I'm nothing like Olivia, who could pull off any and every color on the color wheel. I tend to like more neutral colors and do wear black on occasion, but black has never really been my style. I guess I don't have a choice anymore though.

I showered, washing off all of the dirt, grime, and regret from the past day or two. I changed into a pair of leggings and a t shirt. There were also running shoes and boots at the bottom of the bag, so I through on the running shoes.

At 6:59 someone was frantically banging on my door. I quickly opened it to see Sarah gasping for air as she leaned on my door frame. She was wearing black running shorts and a black tank top, as well as the same running shoes I had.

" go." She said in between breathes, as she pointed to the elevator down the hall.

I quickly nodded in agreement as we booked it to the elevator. We got in and she rapidly clicked the button for the first floor and then the button to close the doors. This elevator had to be the slowest one I've ever been on. 

We finally go to the first floor, at exactly 7:01, and went into a huge open room that had to have spanned the entirety of the first floor. Like everything else, the room was all concrete. there were stairs in a far corner that led to a balcony, over looking the training area, and wrapped all the way around the edge of the room.

There were a few people on the balcony running around a doing stuff, and then three large groups spread out through the room. Each group had someone speaking in front of them. Sarah walked us over to the group on the far left.

There was a tall man speaking. He had black hair and blue eyes. He looked like he would be lanky because of his height, but he definitely had muscle. He stopped talking when Sarah and I approached the group, causing everyone to look back at us. They all spread apart, creating space down the middle for the man to see us.

"Harrison, Hale. You're late." He said, in a deep voice, calling us by our last names. I can't say I wasn't scared or intimidated, because I was and my face showed it. Sarah, however, crossed her arms in defiance and smirked at him.

"Sorry, Ben. We have this saying in America: Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get the fuck over it." I looked at her like she was insane. I haven't even started training and she's already getting us on the dudes bad side. He smiled and let out a little laugh, shaking his head.

"We have a saying here in Sicily, too: Try defying me like that again and there will be a bullet in your head." That quickly wiped the smirk off her face. Ben looked back over the group and regained everyones attention. "Okay, soldiers. Since Hale and Harrison think they can sleep in whenever they want and defy orders, we won't be running five miles today." He paused, giving Sarah an evil grin. "We'll be running ten." Everyone groaned and gave Sarah and I evil looks. What the fuck did I do? I kept my mouth shut and we were literally one minute late.

Ben led us out a door that I never even noticed on the far side of the room and immediately started jogging towards the woods. The compound, as you could guess by now, was like a huge concrete warehouse. It was in the middle of nowhere and had a dirt driveway that went off into one part of the forest. The compound itself kind of sat in a bowl and all of the trees were at the top of a hill, which we were currently running up. I notice the ground on the back was dirt, but that it and the roof had targets set up everywhere.

Sarah and I were jogging at the back of the group as we started a trail through the woods. I was already sweating and starting to get short of breath, but she looked perfectly fine. If anything, it looked like I was holding her back.

"I'm confused." I breathed out. "I thought we were in Sicily."

"We are. Most of the pictures you would see of Sicily are of the city. We're actually in the Sicanian mountain range, and out of the way of the town and everything else. The closest city is at least forty miles from here."

"Oh." Was all I could say.

Our run lasted around an hour and a half. I was never much of a runner, or someone who does any form of exercise, so I was struggling the whole time. At one point, I stopped and had to vomit to the side because I was exhausted and dehydrated. Sarah stayed with me and tried to keep my spirits up the whole time, though which I was thankful for.

Ben gave us a thirty minute break when we got back. Sarah and I went to the basement where there was a food pantry. Since all of the rooms had kitchenettes, we didn't really have a mess hall or anything. There was a huge room where they stocked up food and you could take whatever you needed or request certain foods for the next time they made a supply run.

We grabbed stuff for sandwiches and went back to my room. I was already exhausted and it was only 8:30. I don't know how the hell I am supposed to make it here. I guess when Ace, who I haven't seen since last night, gave me the options, he failed to mention that I either got a quick death or could join, which meant they would kill me painfully slow.

"You did good today." Sarah smiled as she gave me a plate and sat down next to me on the couch.

"I barely kept up with everyone. You call that great?" She laughed at my response.

"The important thing is that you didn't give up, you kept pushing. It shows that you're determined and have the potential to make it."

"Just promise me something?" I asked her. "Please don't make us late or piss off Ben again. I can barely walk normal and he just made us run ten fucking miles."

"Wanna know a secret?" She laughed, taking a bite out of her sandwich. "We were gonna run ten miles anyway, Ben just used us an excuse."


"Like I told you, you're the first girl Ace has ever chosen. Everyone wants to know what's special about you, even the Capo's."


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