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Hannah's POV


Two hours.

Toby and Estelle spent two hours poking, pulling, and prodding Sarah and I for the gala. We looked like completely different people by the time they finished. Estelle gave us both bold makeup looks and Toby did a slick back look for Sarah's hair and Hollywood style curls for mine.

We didn't look like we were going to a gala, we looked like we were about to walk a red carpet. Both of our dresses were gorgeous and accentuated us well. I swear, I will never understand how those boys have a better sense of fashion than us.

When we walked downstairs, all of the boys were ready and waiting. Sadly, Ben had already left to meet with some people at a compound on the Canadian border. Sarah was mad that he couldn't see her in the dress but he promised he would make it up to her.

"Wow..." Vinnie said as they all stood up.

"Whoah." Antony said, looking us up and down. He smirked when he noticed my dress had slits on either side. "Careful there, Hannah. One misstep and you'll show me everything." Of course.

"I think you guys look better without the makeup." Oliver smiles, causing Sarah and I too blush.

"Kiss ass." Leo coughs.

"I wish I could dress up with you guys." Thea sighs.

Vinnie, Antony, Sarah, and I were all going to the gala but Thea, Leo, Ace, and Oliver were flying there with us. We were going to stay in Atlanta for the night and fly back in the morning. Ace is the one to normally wear a suit, but seeing the others wear one was definitely impressive.

"Let's go." Ace says, walking out of the living room.

We all follow him into the foyer as Vinnie and Antony walk out the door. Before I could realize what was happening, Ace picked me up bridal style and started walking to the car. Oliver did the same with Sarah and Leo with Thea.

"What's this?" I laugh.

"Well, you and Sarah can barely walk in regular shoes so I'm already worried enough about the heels. Plus, you'll mess up the dress if you walk in the grass."

"And I just wanted to be carried!" Thea yells in front of us.

"Well, how do you think the dress looks?" I ask. "You did pick it out after all."

"Il vestito sembra buono ma ti preferisco senza." I gave him a questioning look, still not that good with Italian. "Beautiful. The dress looks beautiful on you."

"Thank you." I blush.

We ended up having to take two cars to carry all seven of us. We could've squeezed into one, but these dresses were like riding with a whole other person. We got to a small airport where the jet was waiting and immediately took off.

We were all quiet for majority of the plane ride, just doing our own thing. Sarah and I caught up with Thea for a while and filled her in on what she's missed. She flipped out about everything between Ace and I.

Sarah seemed on edge, anxious. I tried to get her to talk but she wouldn't say much. I think she was nervous about the possibility of seeing people she knew. I know I would freak out but, luckily, we've been trained on what to do if we are ever in that situation. When the plane landed, she looked nauseous with how nervous she was.

"Hey, It'll be okay." I whisper to her as we're getting off.

"I don't know..." She looks at me, wrecked with nerves. "I have a bad feeling about tonight."

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