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Hannah's POV


Today was the day of the polo match.

The match started at 10:00 so I was forced, against my will, to get up early. Luckily, it wasn't just Sarah who woke me up. Thea and Leo had just gotten here, so she joined Sarah for the dangerous task.

"Wake up, sunshine!" Sarah shouted, jumping on top of me. I groaned, immediately reaching for a pillow to suffocate her.

"Did you miss me, agape?" Thea asked, jumping on top of me as well.

"I did until you woke me up..." Before she could react I smacked Thea in the face with a pillow. Sarah immediately bursted with laughter, causing Thea to grab a pillow and beat her as well. The three of us were all trying our hardest to kill each other when someone interrupted us.

"Hey, how come I wasn't invited to the pillow fight?!" Antony whines, walking into my room.

"Fuck off!" Sarah and I say in unison. Since we've gotten more comfortable with the Capos, that is a phrase we tell Antony frequently.

"Calmez-vous mesdames!" He tells us. "Ace wanted me to bring you this." He holds up a hanger with a black cover over it.

"Is it for the match?" I ask, getting up and taking the bag from him.

"Yeah. He said you and Sarah both have shitty taste in dresses." We both glared at him, causing him to immediately flee the room.

Thea and Sarah circled around me while I laid the bag on the bed and unzipped it, revealing the dress. It was a boho-style burgundy dress with a ton of white dots. The dress looked really flowy and was longer in the back then the front. I'm pissed that he hates my sense of fashion, but the dress was beautiful.

"Wow." Thea said as we all admired the dress.

Before I put the dress on, they decided that they were going to do my hair and makeup. Thea did my makeup, giving me a natural look. Sarah decided to curl my hair and do a half up, half down style. It sounded simple, but it was already 8:00 by the time they finished.

I slipped on the beautiful dress and some simple sandals. Sarah was hesitant to let me wear them, but I assured her I could not walk in heels on the grass. I wore my ring and some gold necklaces for accessories. Even though I refused to wear it, Sarah also made me bring a floppy sunhat.

While Sarah was getting ready, Thea and I hung out on her bed. It wasn't long until Leo and Oliver got bored, joining us as well. We were all sprawled across her bed, watching her do her hair and listening to music.

"Do you think you can do my hair?" Oliver asked.

"No, Ollie. We tried to curl you hair once and it was too short." Sarah reminded him.

"Please?!" He whined. She glared at him in the mirror.

"No, fine del soggetto." She told him, causing all of us to laugh. Oliver looked grumpy and grabbed a magazine off of her nightstand, flipping to a random page. When Thea and Leo realized I understood what Sarah said they gave me a weird look.

"Have you been learning new languages, Hannah?" Leo asked.

"A little." I replied honestly. "I've been stuck with four Italians for an entire week so I've started to pick up on some of it."

"Do you only know Italian and English?" Thea asked.

"I know a little Spanish from high school, so the Italian is a little easier to understand. I figured out 'agape' means love in greek." I tell her, causing her to smile.

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