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Ace's POV


After I slept with Hannah, which was amazing, I went to get ready. I didn't think there was a problem. I thought I told her "good morning" by waking her up. I wasn't quiet because I was trying to sneak out, it was because I didn't want to wake everyone else up.

When I went back to my room I got a shower. I didn't entirely want to because I still smelt like her, which was a mix of honey and lavender. I couldn't stop thinking about her, in many ways, while I was in the shower. When I got out Ben was sitting on my bed looking at his phone.

"Good morning."

"No." he sighed. I gave him a questioning look, which just earned me a groan. "Sarah's still pissed off at me about Annika." I laughed. Sarah was gonna give him an eternity of blue balls for that but she'd come around eventually.

Being in a mafia, there aren't many children to hang out with growing up. Ben, Antony, and Vinnie grew up with me so they were always around, but there were never any girls. When we finally got to high school, we didn't think about dating people with good personalities, just good looks.

All of us had to go to a boarding school when we were younger, which was filled with the kids of the most elite families. Because of the mafia, all of our families were well off. That was how we first met Cixi and Annika.

Cixi and I were good friends before we dated, but Annika and Ben mainly just slept together. Regardless of sex, we were young and rich, not having to worry about politics, money, or war. Cixi and I ended things when her father asked me to marry her but Annika and Ben never really ended, they just kind of fell off.

Even though they never really dated, I knew he loved Annika. I knew he loved her because he wasn't the same when we graduated. He was a lot more quiet and shy. I never thought he would be the same again, but then Sarah came along.

With Sarah, Ben was different than he was with Annika, better. Annika made Ben feel confident and important, whereas Sarah does the complete opposite. Regardless of him being in a higher position, she challenges him. Annika made Ben feel confident and important, but Sarah forces him to do that on his own.

I never understood why they aren't dating. They sleep together all the time and act like they're together but I think they're afraid. I know Ben's afraid of change and I think they believe things will change if they start to date.

"So, I'm guessing you had a fun time last night?" Ben smirks.

"Fuck off..." I sigh.

"Is it serious?" I didn't know the answer to that. 

I can't lie, there is something between Hannah and I, but I don't think I should act on it. People only assume we're together right now but, if we made it known, she would be in much more danger. I don't want to lose the ones I care about, especially if I'm the reason there's a target on their back.


"Liar." He laughs.

"Ben, you know how I feel about relationships." 

"I know, I know." He rolls his eyes. He thought my view was stupid, but he still respected it. "She's different though."


"She's not like the other girls you fool around with, even Cixi." I give him a questioning look, causing him to continue. "It was stupid but Hannah was clever. I'm the Capo, yet she was the one that took initiative last night. If she didn't, those guys would've drove us off the damn earth. 

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