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Hannah's POV


We've been ignoring the boys all week.

It was hard, but Oliver and Antony helped. Oliver was always with us but Antony started to come around more too. I know it's stupid, but Antony's constant flirting brought my spirits up after Ace used me.

Oliver and Sarah had been getting closer than they were before. I know she still had feelings for Ben but I think Oliver would have a shot with her if he tried. If the four of us weren't together then Oliver was with Sarah and Antony was with me.

If the boys weren't with us, Sarah and I avoided Ace and Ben like it was a mission of its own. I wasn't that drastic, but one day Ben came into Sarah's room and she jumped from her balcony to the sofa on the patio. Luckily, she didn't break anything and Ben clearly got the idea after that.

I hated how easy it was for me to avoid Ace. Sure, I would see him in the halls sometimes, but he was normally in his office or his bedroom. Whenever I did see him though, he never tried anything. He would say my name and try to get my attention but he would give up when he realized I was ignoring him. I hate pick me girls, but I wanted him to pick me or, hell, chase me off a fucking balcony. Ben may be relentless with Sarah but at least it shows he cares.

Antony was attractive and he could flirt his way into anything. He definitely knew what he was doing and I would be lying if I said he hasn't charmed me a couple times. I still couldn't shake my feelings for Ace though. I never even realized I liked him that much until he hurt me. 

One day this week, Ace made Antony run a ton of errands. Without him to entertain me, I was bored all day long. When he got back, he said they weren't even important things. Some of them included going grocery shopping and just taking his clothes to the dry cleaners. We didn't know why but it was clear Ace was pissed off at him for some reason.

Today there were thunderstorms outside so we all just lounged around. I, myself, had an irrational fear of thunderstorms, so Sarah, Antony, and Oliver were doing anything and everything they could to keep my mind off the rain pounding on the house and the constant booms of thunder.

"Hannah, fucking go already!" Sarah yelled at me. Currently, the four of us were playing monopoly in the basement.

"Geez, sorry." I rolled the dice and immediately wanted to end the game. "No..." Everyone laughed as I landed in jail. Theres a lot of things I fell short of in life, luck is one of the big ones. 

"It's fine just roll doubles." Oliver shrugs like it's nothing.

"Ollie." I say in a dead tone. "We have played this game at least ten times this week, when have you ever seen me roll doubles."

"Just bail yourself out." Sarah says.

"With what money?!" I looked at the cash I had and my pile was sorely lacking.

"I'm more than willing to throw some your way if you remove a few layers." Antony smiles, fanning out all of his monopoly money. 

"Sorry, prostitution would just land me back in jail." I sigh.

After what felt like a month, the game finally ended. We counted all of our money and, of course, I came in last place. Sarah won but she was the banker and I noticed her constantly fiddling with the bank money. Cheater.

After we played monopoly, Ace texted us and said we had a meeting in the living room before dinner. The four of us walked in and Ben and Vinnie were already there. Both of them were on their phones and I think they were, purposely, ignoring us. Lately, the house has been divided and we were the more fun and rowdy group while Ace, Ben, and Vinnie were the more quiet and broody group.

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