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Hannah's POV



That's all I felt right now. I was in a deep, peaceful sleep in the middle of my cozy bed. Ace was asleep next to me, his head laying on my back and his arms draped lazily around my waist. I don't know how we got in this position, but I definitely didn't mind it.

He was the first one to wake up. Unlike Sarah, who runs into my room screaming, Ace woke me up peacefully. He trailed light kisses up my back, down my shoulder, and finished at my cheek. I smiled tiredly, curling into him.

"Good morning." I tell him softly. He doesn't say anything but lightly pecks my lips.

He slowly got out of the bed, still in his briefs, as he started grabbing he's clothes off the floor. I propped my head on my arm, watching him. Without looking back, he quietly opened my door and left, closing it gently.

What the hell was that? He didn't say a word to me. The least he could've done was said "good morning" back to me. Was I really that bad? I couldn't stop all of the thoughts running through my mind when my door gently opened again. Sarah walked in, grinning like the cheshire cat.

"How was your night?" She smirked.

"Well, I thought it was good."

"Umm, I thought it was good. I could hear you all night and the two of you practically shook the house." I groaned into a pillow, quickly hiding my blush. "What's wrong?" She furrowed her brows.

"This morning, when he woke up. He didn't say a word to me. No "good morning", nothing. He just grabbed his clothes and walked out."



"Does he think it was a one night stand?"

"I don't know, was it?"

"I mean, things have been heating up between the two of you for a while, so I don't think so."

"Okay, so why did he act like he was sneaking out of a strangers bed?"

"I don't know..." She sighed. "Well, since we're both getting shit on, you can join me."

"Join you with what?"

"I'm going on strike until Ben makes it up to me."


"Yup. No kisses, no touches, no sex until he makes things right."

"Works for me." I sigh.

"Good. Now get up and get ready."


"Hannah." She glared. "We're taking it easy today anyways. We're gonna have breakfast and talk about what happened last night." I groaned again.

After Sarah physically pulled me out of my bed, I finally got ready. I showered and left my hair wet, letting it air dry. I threw on sweatpants and one of my black tank tops before walking down the stairs. I was definitely walking a little slower then usual, due to some soreness in certain places.

Breakfast was already made when I got in the kitchen. I grabbed a plate, loading it with the delicious French toast someone made, before walking into the living room. Everyones eyes immediately went to me when I walked in. I slowly walked to one of the couches, sitting down between Sarah and Antony. No one was talking. I looked up to Antony who was smirking at me.

"Good morning, Hannah." He smiled.

"Fuck off, Antony." I smiled back.

"Hmm, I figured you were tired of that word rolling off your tongue after last night." He says casually, causing me to freeze. "Oh, I'm sorry, did I hit a sore subject?"

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