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Hannah's POV


"I'm going to need you to come with me."

"No." I tell the man. He looks around the room, smiling as if he knows something I don't. He leans down until he's close to my ear and points at a little girl a few tables away. She had blonde pigtails and was wearing a pink tutu, laughing with her family.

"See that little girl right there?" I don't respond. "Her names Maya. Her and her family are on vacation here from Ohio. If you don't come with me, her family is going to be going home without a daughter." I froze. I froze and closed my eyes, praying that Ace would find me before it's too late.

"Fine." I tell him.

I get up and follow him out of the restaurant. As soon as we get into the empty parking lot, I grab my knife and throw it at him, causing it to go straight between his shoulder blades. He lets out a pained yelp before falling to the ground. I turn around to run back inside, but ram into a broad chest instead.

"Jack warned us you would be a feisty one." Another man smirked down at me.

I tried to shove paste him but he wrapped his arms around me. I kicked and screamed, hoping it would get him off or get someones attention. I my thumbs and pushed in on his eyes, immediately causing him to drop me. There was another one though, I didn't see him, but I heard a gun cock. I froze, scared to turn around. I shouldn't have though, because as soon as I froze, Arms were wrapped around me and a needle went in my arm.

I started to feel light headed and go limp. I tried to fight it, to stay awake, but it was no use. I fell limp and let my eyes close right as I heard tires screeching to a stop. I was fading fast but I could feel the person carrying me running.

"Ace..." I mumbled, just as I was consumed by darkness.

It was dark, but light quickly took over. Sun was shining into the room and I was laying in a bed that felt like heaven. I was in Ace's room. I quickly sat up, looking around for him. How the hell did I get here?!

"Ace?!" I shouted, frantically looking around.

"Calm down." I hear him laugh as he walks out of the bathroom. "I'm right here, amore." He walks over to the bed, laying down next to me.

"What's going on? How did I get here?" I ask him as he pulls me down to lay on his chest.

"Well, you got a little drunk at a club and walked in a room of dead bodies."

"I didn't mean how we met." I roll my eyes. Asshole. "We were just at the restaurant, in France. I got kidnapped. How am I home?"

"Don't worry about that. You'll be okay."

"What do you mean?! Am I dead?!"

Oh my god, I can't be dead. I just started to want to live again. I finally made friends that I love, found someone I love, learned to love myself. It's been a hard week or so, but I've been happy. I've been happier than I've ever been in my entire life, I can't be fucking dead.

"Relax, amore." He smiles, looking over my panicked face. "They gave you a sedative. You'll be out for a little while."

"So I'm not dead?" He shakes his head. "Then where the hell are we?!"

"My room."

"Ace, I swear-"

"Calm down. If you want the truth, this is your subconscious." What?! "You were panicking and in distress. When they gave you the sedative you went to your subconscious, looking for comfort. It's like a way of forcing yourself to calm down. You went to a place you feel most comfortable with a person who makes you feel safe."

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